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Spectacular Norfolk Noctilucents

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I'm not usually up this late, but I popped out tonight and there's the most dazzling display of Noctilucent Clouds I've ever seen.

I grabbed my camera and ran out to the nearby field to capture some images. It was near a road, and all the locals were returning from the nearby hostelries, so they must have thought I was pretty weird. Images captured at around 2300 UT




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Lovely pictures!

I'd never seen them before, but I was standing out back in my underwear at midnight last night marvelling at the same phenomenon, when my wife returned from a nearby hostelry. She already knows I'm pretty weird.


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Here's a few more images.

In this one, the glow on the right-hand side is from the house of a paranoid old lady who lives alone and whose house is brilliantly floodlit all night long, covered in security cameras, and alarms, and surrounded by high fencing. Fortunately it's just far enough from me and screened by trees to impact on me too much. I'm sure her security measures must increase her paranoia. Normal for Norfolk, as they say!




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