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The Orion nebula, Running Man and M45 from last night

Will Gater

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Hello everyone,

Wow, it was cold last night wasn't it?! I had a quick imaging session, as my camera batteries 'died' in the chill. The first process of my two targets below. I wanted to get some nebulosity around Merope, so I'm chuffed it's appeared in this image. Then there's good old M42, which looked stunning through the little WO scope. It was still fairly low when I was imaging so hopefully I'll have another stab when it's higher. I'm going to have another stab at processing M45 later as I think I've lost some of the blue colour that was in the subs.

Hope you like 'em! :)



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Hi Will,

Nice images :)

Ain't it great to be out again - although last night was a bit of a waste for me as I only managed to add 1 hours subs to a project before the clouds rolled in...

Ask Santa for one of those battery eliminator thingies that Astronomiser do... one of the best upgrades you can get as you can run long sequences of images without worrying about batteries and they arent bothered by the cold either...ou also dont have to worry about upsetting alignment focus etc which can happen when your fiddling with the camera changign batts mid sequence...


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Very nice Will :)

Beautiful images - M42 just isn't a boring object, is it?

Agreed, I never tire of M42 as there is so much going on there, its like a great big cauldron with all sorts of interesting stuff bubbling out :laughing2:

Great image Will BTW, I always find M42 a challenge when processing, you did a good job there :thumbright:

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Thanks guys for your kind comments. :) Richie - I love M42, it never fails to impress me through all sorts of kit, small bins, telescopes and the naked eye from dark skies.

Yes it's great to get a spare night to do some imaging. Thanks Peter/Kevin for those tips too, I'll look into them. I reckon just keeping the batteries in my pocket would give them a little longer too.

I've also reprocessed (colourised :oops: ) M45 to give it some more colour, as I like the lovely deep blue of the reflection nebulosity. Here it is below.


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Nice images Will.

Better off using a battery grip with two batteries in it. Running the camera from a switch mode power supply could introduce noise and also it's another cable that could get snagged.



Doesnt have to be a switched mode :D

Have a look as Astronomisers solution - I have my own which is a linear dc-dc convertor (runs of 12V input) in an external metal housing fan cooled connected to a dummy battery inside the camera... all teh possible additional heat sources are outside the camera works for me :)


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Nice images Will. I use a Canon power suply - I have the Canon 400D. Works a treat and it lives in the obs velcroed to the pier.

It was about 50 quid, which may seem alot, but after the batts gave out after about 1 hour, I sprung for it and have not looked back.

Love the M45 - embarrassed to post mine now :oops: .


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Very nice, Will.

The "readout lines" of the camera are showing slightly (horizontal in M41, vertical in M45). I would not quite have stretched so far.

I also use the Canon dummy battery/power supply and find it excellent. I have put all the cables into a "cable zip" sheath (available from Maplins) and this keeps them together and snag-proof.


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Love the M45 - embarrassed to post mine now :oops: .


Mel I'm a firm believer in posting any images that you take and often post the raw stacks and WIP images as well as the finished ones as it lets people see how you get from what can seem flat noisy data to a finished piece...

That's the great thing about SGL compared to some other places people are prepared to help with suggestions etc. I have found that my imaging has come on leaps and bounds since i started posting here.


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Very nice, Will.

The "readout lines" of the camera are showing slightly (horizontal in M41, vertical in M45). I would not quite have stretched so far.

I also use the Canon dummy battery/power supply and find it excellent. I have put all the cables into a "cable zip" sheath (available from Maplins) and this keeps them together and snag-proof.


Noels actions make very light work of the readout lines :)


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Nice work Will. :)

I prefer your first version of M45. You managed to catch some of the red/brown dust at the bottom, but this has been lost when you colourised it.

Considering the short exposures, there's a lot of nebulousity showing. Go for deeper subs and, 1, you won't need to stretch as much and will therefore lose the background noise, and, 2, you'll get much more of the natural colour showing.



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Good images, Will, attractively framed. I agree with Rob; time, time, time...

even here I rarely try for more than one image per night.


I try to go for for 3 targets per night at this time of year, giving a few hours to each as it reaches the best position, but don't expect to get them anywhere near complete in one night,,,,normally it takes several, which can take a while in sunny Britain!



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Nice images Will.

Better off using a battery grip with two batteries in it. Running the camera from a switch mode power supply could introduce noise and also it's another cable that could get snagged.



Doesnt have to be a switched mode :p

Have a look as Astronomisers solution - I have my own which is a linear dc-dc convertor (runs of 12V input) in an external metal housing fan cooled connected to a dummy battery inside the camera... all teh possible additional heat sources are outside the camera works for me :)


Fair enough Pete :D



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Thanks for your nice comments guys and Rob thanks for your excellent tips. :salute: :) I'm going to get a new PSE package so I can buy a copy of Noel's Tools. :hello1: And of course I need to get autoguiding in earnest, so I can get longer than 60-90 sec subs! :oops:

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Hi Will,

while not ideal at a push you can take take them at any time especially if you can fairly closely match the camera temps...flats are different though really need to be taken in situ... im still not using reall flats tahst my next thing to get sorted...

I have libraries of darks and bias made by controllign the camera temperature in the fridge, with darks and bias sequences a few degrees apart...handy as standbys...


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Thanks Peter, I might try and build a library like that. For these images I just found an old 60 dark frame master that DSS had made ages ago and subtracted that. Seems to get rid of most of the hot pixels and a bit of amp glow, but dedicated ones from the session (or from a library like you suggest) would probably have been better.



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