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ASA DDM85 adventures


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I have the ODK16 on DDM85 in A5.

11 hours ago, Datalord said:

Hahaha, I spied on your setup. You're the one with the 16" ASA newt IIRC? 

And yes, holy hell does it makes a difference.


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  • 9 months later...

I know this could be considered necro'ing a thread, but I think I have to update this particular topic to round off the ASA DDM85 in case someone considers buying one used (not produced anymore).

After a year of using it with guiding because my brain couldn't figure out the philosophy of the software that comes with the mount. During this year, the guiding with the mount has been spectacular. This thing is amazing. But...

One single line in an email from the vendor made it click in my head. I no longer guide. I set up the routine and it magically does its thing, finding an autofocus star every 30 min, then tracks a path to compensate for the next 30 minute of unguided run and then ticks away until the next round of autofocus and compensation. 

The results are, understated, quite ok. This is a 10 minute sub without guiding.


It is sad that they decided not to continue in the amateur market. It's such an amazing thing. 

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Good to hear that you've managed to get it working as it should, it took me long enough, with an email exchange with Wolfgang at ASA. I won't bore you with details, except there was a bug in Sequence.

My DDM 85 is on the pier, but still awaiting the ODK12 due to lockdown.

Have to agree that it's a great pity that ASA have abandoned the "low end" (Low end, yeah, right). The only way of getting a second hand DDM is if someone is upgrading to a DDM100, which is an £18k mount.

In an email exchange with Rupert he indicated that Dr Keller was back on the job of the next version of Sequence, hope it's less cantakerous.

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