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M42 & NGC 1977 + a late night

Roy Batty

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I stuck it out to the wee small hours last night - boy was it chilly, at around 1a.m. I could see M42 would clear my neighbours house and it was just too good an opportunity to let pass by. Last year I didn't attempt to image this until around Jan-Feb at a far more civilised hour :) .

Anyway to the details: Prime focus unmodded DSLR on an ED80, 16 X 5min subs @ ISO800. Guided with C8-N using a webcam & PHD. Processing: DSS, PixInsightLe, PSCS3.



M42 & NGC1977 - 25th November 2008


(click to enlarge)

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Well now... it definitely looks like open season on M42 with quite a flurry of them being posted, I'd like to say well done one an all.

Thanks for all the comments :) , I think I've thawed out now :toothy3: - I'll probably be taking some close-up's of both using the C8-N next time and I'm pleased the guided setup is paying dividends picking up the finer detail that comes with longer subs. There appears to be quite a bit of sooty stuff at the outer edges of M42, which I hope the C8-N will pick up in more detail.

Also, I forgot to add in my posting that the main subs were combined with a final 30 second sub as a layer in PS to keep the core from burning out.



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