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Hand controller polar align brilliant on AVX mount.

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So i've never used this feature on the AVX mount until tonight after owning mount few years.  Terrific results being only have South and SE from new spot.  I wanted to get all way to North tree line to gain some altitude on Jupiter and away from roof.  No way to polar align through cedar trees to North via polar scope or sharpcap or pole master.  So I gave all star polar align a try. 

Just followed directions did a 2 star align on Spica and Heze plus calibration star on Rasalhague.  Had to use Heze because boxed in by tall trees to West in this spot also.  Plus can't go much higher due to length of refractor. Turned out fine and align successful.

Slewed to Zubeneschamali not far from meridian for polar align star.  Followed directions mount slewed away and back used alt / az adjustments to center star.  Went back to home position, restarted everything and slewed to Spica it was dead center in camera.  Did same 2 star + 1 calibration and fired up stellarium scope.  Been tracking Jupiter through trees for hour just poking through now.  Still near center of 1280/960 cam view after hour.  Very pleased with this feature!

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For Sky-Watcher mounts, it should be in the hand controller menu in the same section as 1, 2, 3-star alignment. Note that not all firmware versions may have this feature, so check the manual.

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