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Dual Shadow Transit Over Jupiter - 2019 JUN 11-12


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During the night of 2019 JUN 11-12 the Galilean satellites #1 Io and #3 Ganymede and their shadows will appear to be simultaneously transiting Jupiter. In fact, Io will be partially occulting its shadow.

Photos and descriptions of the event would be welcome additions to this thread.


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Hi CentaurZ,

This kind of information would be excellent in the Celestial Events Heads Up section as members do set up alerts for posts in there so they don't miss the events.



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Thanks for the tip, Stu. You run a nice Heads Up forum.

So is it advisable to post suitable information in both the Heads Up forum and another one like this one that is more descriptive of the topic?

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There are no hard and fast rules really, but for guidance, please use the Celestial Events Calendar to flag up events on specific dates. These entries can cover details of what to look for and when.

Then descriptions of the event, if observed, can either go in the events forum or the appropriate observing section.

I do struggle to find time to keep the calendar populated so the more the merrier in terms of people doing it. You could, for example, put an entry for each of the visible Lunar X events on the relevant date so we all get alerted. I know its alot of work but it does seem to work in terms of helping members to remember when interesting things are happening.

Thanks :)


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