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Just another M13 I'm afraid.

alan potts

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This is taken over about 4 weeks a bit here and a bit there, I confess with little attention to detail and often when it wasn't really dark. Some nights were good seeing some fairly poor with fair from top quality guiding, but the result is reasonable I guess.

This adds up to about 2 hours with the core held back by treating it in select/mask and holding back highlights a bit. Scope was my 805mm APO which I have to say I'm a bit reluctant to change for one of my others in case I mess up the PA, it took so long to nail it down. Camera is an old Canon modded 40D and subs are 2 minutes at 1600iso with some dither, flats, dark flats and the kitchen sink.



Feel free to hack it to bits, it is the best way to learn, still getting that bit of gradient even though I have cropped this to try to get in a bit closer. I have masked the viewfinder now so I will see if this the problem, as most of my shots point east with the laptop almost behind the camera.


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Very nice Alan, stars all the way in and a nice propeller.  A slight top let to bottom right gradient - do you have any software for gradient removal?  here it is with the gradient removed by pixinsight ABE




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Dave I feel this gradient is being caused by the laptop shining through the viewfinder, I have put a stop to it now but this is mixed data some fairly old (4 weeks ha ha) . I don't see it a vignette type of gradient as such where all 4 corners are affected in the the way a normal one manifests itself.

I don't have any software for this, maybe I should get some, I know how to make various gradient filter in photoshop but they will never work as good as say Grad Exterminator, or at least when I make them they won't.

I still want to save what I can for the 071 so don't want to shell out yet, then it will be another mount for next year.

Thanks for the kind words Dave



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38 minutes ago, carastro said:

GE is not expensive in AP terms, I could not manage without it, I have to use it pretty regularly.


After a 250 quid hit last weekend from the ASI071 savings pot for a guitar for my son, anything extra will not help me get one. I have just looked at the 4 cases of Televue eyepieces that have hardly been used in a year and wondered whether to of load some. Feel I am always going to be leaning more towards AP now. Sad thing is some of the scopes will never sell here for what they are worth and shipping them is out of the question.

Some decent weather would be nice.


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I cannot possibly offer any constructive criticism as I'm very much just chipping away at the giant iceberg of a hobby that is astro photography but I'm a sucker for Globular Clusters and I like the above a lot so for what it's worth, nice one 👏

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice framing--I love globular clusters--truly amazing.  Gradient not too bad on my screen (didn't even see it to tell the truth).  Pile on teh data--you have a good start.


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10 hours ago, Rodd said:

Nice framing--I love globular clusters--truly amazing.  Gradient not too bad on my screen (didn't even see it to tell the truth).  Pile on teh data--you have a good start.


I must confess Rodd I can't see it so much on my screen which is a very high quality and large one, but people are trying to help and there is one there. I feel it was caused by the viewfinder being open to light from the laptop. As for extra data, the weather is causing all sorts of problems, another 68mm of rain late night, when it was forecast a fair sky, they really do talk tosh. Like you I enjoy globular clusters and would like to capture M14, 10, 4 and 107, in the coming month.


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