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Orion Deep Space Explorer, DIY questions


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I got a deep space 8 inch dob and had to put in new mirror springs and bolts. How far off if the cell does the mirror basically set?.

The springs I have make it set about 1/2 inch off of the cell. I can adjust it out maybe 2 inches.and theres no center sticker to use a collimaneter, which I dont have anyway.

I basically eyeballed it, put my dslr on the focuser and adjusted the bolts but stuff is still blurry, except for close stuff like trees and across the street houses.  that's clear. It has the old type focuser in it, should I change that to the rack and pinion?  Anyway, does anyone have one of these scopes that I could get some help with. Thanx. 

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 Does the mirror not sit on the cell and the springs under the cell to hold a tension on the three collimation bolts, have never heard of the 

springs being placed under the mirror, unless I am reading this wrong.


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19 hours ago, rocket9244 said:

I ended up having to use spacers and 4.1/2 bolts. it reaches focus now.


Good that your scope now reaches focus.  For collimation you don’t really need expensive tools like lasers or cheshire collimator.   Do a search for “Gary Seronic Newtonian collimation”  for the best guide I’ve seen that cuts through all the confusing advice  that’s out there.


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