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New Daystar Quark Gemini


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I see they now have a long list of disclaimers saying there's no such thing as a standard Quark but they still only use images taken with top notch Quarks on there site.


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im deff missing something, a norm quark gives you both, and the price i think there counting on people not knowing what you get from a chromosphere model, arrrh the pennys just dropped it must be for vis eh. charl.

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The proof of the pudding etc.   What a lot of suspicious folks you are.  Call me old fashioned, but I'd like to think that Daystar are bringing something out that might just be a useful addition to their range.   Despite the negativity, there are many who use Quarks to very good effect, and after all, we can all choose not to buy one :smile:

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I think it's a great addition. Yes the Chromosphere delivers the best of both, but here's the thing.....if you were to buy both a Chromo and a Prom quark, they would cost you about 3K.

This Gemini is just under 2K, so that's a big saving.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gotta say I do not like the form factor for portability. Has to go in a box, no case for it.

Also, the sliding thing...hmmm. Does it have two etalons, heated separately, being slid over in a...hermetic container?


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