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Another scope recommendation please

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Looking for something mainly for imaging planets and lunar but also visual. Will be using it on a HEQ5 Pro so a bit limited on weight, already have 224MC, 178MM etc. I also owned a Mak102, 127 and 150 and don't really want a Mak but interested in the OMC140 but put off by the reviews ? The option option is a refractor around 100mm ?

I just can't decide.

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Well if you had Mak150, then really only sensible option for upgrade would be 8"+

A good 8" F/6 newton can sit on top of Heq5 Pro for planetary imaging and visual, but I'm not sure I would use it for visual much because EP ends up in strange positions and 8" long tube is not easy to rotate in it's rings. I've mounted my 8" F/6 newton tube from dob onto Heq5 and it can carry it, I even did some imaging with it - but for visual it was just a pain to use, in part because I did not remove dob "ears" (supports for dob mount) from the tube, so full rotation of the tube was impossible.

You did not mention budget so I won't restrain myself in recommendations.

Probably best option to comfortably sit on Heq5 and be used for planetary/lunar imaging and observation is C9.25. C11 can be mounted by Heq5, but barely so, again it would work for visual and imaging, but I would not feel comfortable with such large scope on Heq5 - I know that at least some people used it on Heq5 so it works, but again ...

If SCTs are too much for your budget, then I think there is a good scope in 8" class that won't break a bank, but I can't be sure if it is a good scope. On paper, it should be very very good. I own distant cousin of that scope and mine is very fine scope - very good figure and I like it a lot, but again - have not read any reports on this particular model, and I just can't be certain if it's going to be good. It's this one:



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Apologies but posted in another section as well but here is probably more suited.

Looking for something mainly for imaging planets and lunar but also visual. Will be using it on a HEQ5 Pro so a bit limited on weight, already have 224MC, 178MM etc. I also owned a Mak102, 127 and 150 and don't really want a Mak but interested in the OMC140 but put off by the reviews ? The other option is a refractor around 100mm ?

The SW 150 is too expensive and too heavy for my HEQ5 Pro.

So I'm looking at,




Starwave Ascent 102ED

Or Mak180 ???

 I just can't decide.

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