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AVIStack - Does Registax have a competitor?


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I recently pick up on a thread on another forum (http://ukastroimaging.co.uk/forums/index.php?topic=42013.0) relating to a new kid on the block in the world of lunar image processing - AviStack. After reading a review (http://joe.zawodny.com/index.php/2008/11/15/registax-vs-avi-stack/) I decided to download it and give it a go (http://www.avistack.de/). As with most image processing software, the learning curve is pretty steep, here is my first attempt.

I have to say I'm mighty impressed with this software. My first attempt (below) gives a very nice picture. Considering this is new software and it's the first time I've used it I'm mightily impressed and I think I'll perserve. I particular, I think I'll play around with my wavelets (in Registax) and focus magic sharpening routines of the final AviStack images to see if I can get a more natural look to the AviStack final image.

Is Registax dead and buried? ... I don't think so, but this looks mighty promising and may well end up producing better images that Registax


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