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Yet another building project


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19 hours ago, Rusted said:

Congratulations on your truly impressive build. :thumbsup:

No need for the hideously expensive Starlight motor focus system.
The cheapest Skywatcher clone DC motor focuser easily drives the 3.5" Starlight FT focuser via one of the black motion knobs via a timing belt and 10T pulley.
It will vertically lift the weight of the Lacerta 2" solar prism and ZWO camera or binoviewer. Even more if you drive the golden slow motion knob.
You won't want nor like the cheapo paddle in the kit though.
Remote motor focusing is a huge bonus even if you are right beside the telescope. Particularly when focusing via a big monitor.
The difference in whether you are in exact focus or completely out is absolutely microscopic even on my 7" f/12 refractor.
You wouldn't know this until you stopped using manual focusing.  :wink2:

P1380677 rsz 600.JPG

Thanks for the compliment.

I hope it's being entertaining.

The need for a motorised focuser will be tested hopefully soon. I have a focusing mask for the 12" but not the big ODK. But I stilll have a lot of the computer stuff to complete, including how to port forward through a 4g internet connection, not supported by the telecoms companies nor VPN suppliers. Being able to remote control this is part of the design basis but I did not appreciate how a phone connection is managed very differently from a wired one. Use of Teamviewer is not even close to being a preferred option.

But the motor drive is pretty high on my list of improvements so likely to be done sooner than later. Hopefully Mrs Bukko will agree to the spend without making me go back to work and pay for it... Maybe a tax rebate will be forthcoming... haha


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4 hours ago, Rusted said:

Buy two observatories get one free! Whatever happened to discount for bulk? :wink2:


Nope. Full price for the domes, only a bit of a reduction for the transport. Even threatened to purchase something else, they were prepared to let me go so I guess that's the price. Probably not much margin to be had.


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3 hours ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

Tax rebate! In France, just like dark matter, never seen it.


Not from France, the UK... Having said that, I got my 2018 tax statement from the French authorities and they want Zero Euros for the time I was here in 2018. I am sure it wil lbe a different story for 2019 though...

According to my calculations, for 2018/9 I have put too much money into the account so should be entitled to some of it back. If so, then I will have some money for more toys (assuming Mrs. Bukko does not claim it for some frivolous stuff like food or clothes..


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5 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

Why do you need clothing !!, go au-naturel, especially as your living somewhere a lot warmer that the UK. 2 pairs of Tee-Shirt \ Shorts should be all you need.....

Errr... It's not me that wants/needs clothes...

(it's NEVER me haha !!)


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  • 1 month later...

I have been given permission by Gordon to hijack this thread, cheers. I visited Gordon Monday Tuesday to help install some security fencing around the perimeter of the Obsy area.

We were hoping for clear skies Monday night so I could use Gordon’s Dob, a first for me and experiment with eyepieces as my small box of plossle’s seemed shockingly inadequate to the eyepieces that were on offer. Sadly it was cloud all the way.

I have added a few pictures to this post, as the beast is now installed in the second dome and I couldn’t believe the quality of the mount. That bit of carbon fibre at the top is a joy to behold. Hoping to get invite back in the future to see it all in action, fingers crossed.




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Just picked this up again. Very impressive! To say the least.

I've also gone with a 16200 camera as being less crazy expensive than a 16803, especially WRT filters, though after some consideration went Moravian rather than SX with a 7 place wheel for std LRGBSHO filters. Was also at the OOUK stand at Astrofest this year, but decided that the ODK 12 was my sweet spot, and probably a one-man bucket, rather than a team heave-ho, and the DDM85 breaks down into two parts.

Cost has also precluded a dome so going with a rough and ready ROR.

Can only admire such a comprehensive observatory build.

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57 minutes ago, CedricTheBrave said:

What an amazing project and so well executed. very well done

i now know what to do if i win the lotto!


Funny you should say that. I won the French National loto eight weeks ago, still waiting for any kind of conformation or pay out. I got three numbers, with a pay out of 20 euros. I have to send the ticket to head office, with ID, a bank pay in slip via registered post that costs 5.30 euro. Seven weeks after and I am still dreaming about a bag of gravel or two.🤣


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13 minutes ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

Funny you should say that. I won the French National loto eight weeks ago, still waiting for any kind of conformation or pay out. I got three numbers, with a pay out of 20 euros. I have to send the ticket to head office, with ID, a bank pay in slip via registered post that costs 5.30 euro. Seven weeks after and I am still dreaming about a bag of gravel or two.🤣


3 numbers more than me :)

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On 10/10/2019 at 10:55, Marvin Jenkins said:

I have been given permission by Gordon to hijack this thread, cheers. I visited Gordon Monday Tuesday to help install some security fencing around the perimeter of the Obsy area.

We were hoping for clear skies Monday night so I could use Gordon’s Dob, a first for me and experiment with eyepieces as my small box of plossle’s seemed shockingly inadequate to the eyepieces that were on offer. Sadly it was cloud all the way.

I have added a few pictures to this post, as the beast is now installed in the second dome and I couldn’t believe the quality of the mount. That bit of carbon fibre at the top is a joy to behold. Hoping to get invite back in the future to see it all in action, fingers crossed.




You are very welcome to come back anytime, just remember to bring your work clothes too !!! (haha)

But a serious thank you for coming over to help.

Marvin brought his petrol driven auger to cut the holes for the fence posts.. Didn't touch the hard clay and stones that counts for "soil" here. Luckily he also brought his big concrete breaker and every hole was dug out the hard way. Should have only needed one day, but took two. Since then, I have filled in the perimeter with more gravel, around a tonne down and still a lot more to do....

My two sons are visiting next week and if all goes well, hoping for first light if the clouds (and moon) don't mess everything up...


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On 10/10/2019 at 13:42, Rusted said:

Sorry, that should have been 'Erstmonceau with a Peter Sellers French accent. :wink2:

Looks like I might have a name for the observatory now... Mind if I use the name?

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On 10/10/2019 at 13:46, DaveS said:

Just picked this up again. Very impressive! To say the least.

I've also gone with a 16200 camera as being less crazy expensive than a 16803, especially WRT filters, though after some consideration went Moravian rather than SX with a 7 place wheel for std LRGBSHO filters. Was also at the OOUK stand at Astrofest this year, but decided that the ODK 12 was my sweet spot, and probably a one-man bucket, rather than a team heave-ho, and the DDM85 breaks down into two parts.

Cost has also precluded a dome so going with a rough and ready ROR.

Can only admire such a comprehensive observatory build.

Thanks, Dave.

agree on thecost of the 16803, even though the ODK could light the chip, the costs of 2" square filters also hammers the overall cost. It might not seem like it, but I really do have a limited budget which does set a ceiling on what I can do.  And there are compromises everywhere.

The 16" ODK is a bit of a monster. It does demand a substantial mount, not just the weight but the focal length too. The 12" is an impressive scope too and you are probably right, for price/performance, it is most likely the sweet spot.

For the domes, I am on top of a bit of an exposed hill, so protection from the weather was key. The weather station has displayed force 7 winds and I did not fancy risking a home-made ROR enclosure. The choice was between the 2.7m Pulsar and the Scopedome. The Pulsar would have been fine for the 12", but I thought for the 16", the aperature was a little tight. The cost difference was not that big, but the Scopedome just seemed to be better thought out, although pretty demanding of the base....



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7 hours ago, Bukko said:

Looks like I might have a name for the observatory now... Mind if I use the name?

Seriously? You are very welcome.  It just seemed so perfectly apt for your observatory.  :biggrin:

I think the shape of your Scopedomes makes more sense for a reflector than the Pulsar.
While the Pulsar seems more suitable for refractors on tall piers.
Without knowing the price differential I'd say the Scopedome looks a far more sophisticated and better developed unit.
No doubt that will upset a few Pulsar owners. :wink2:

I was hoping to get a bigger Pulsar but their promised 3.5m was never released.
Domes are pricey but the instant access and peace of mind in knowing it will all still be there after a storm is worth every penny.
The recent torrential rains is proving a sore trial for my home made dome's seams.
Manageable but a bit of a nuisance. Though I still don't need a scope cover. It only "rains" around the edges. :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, Rusted said:

Seriously? You are very welcome.  It just seemed so perfectly apt for your observatory.  :biggrin:

I think the shape of your Scopedomes makes more sense for a reflector than the Pulsar.
While the Pulsar seems more suitable for refractors on tall piers.
Without knowing the price differential I'd say the Scopedome looks a far more sophisticated and better developed unit.
No doubt that will upset a few Pulsar owners. :wink2:

I was hoping to get a bigger Pulsar but their promised 3.5m was never released.
Domes are pricey but the instant access and peace of mind in knowing it will all still be there after a storm is worth every penny.
The recent torrential rains is proving a sore trial for my home made dome's seams.
Manageable but a bit of a nuisance. Though I still don't need a scope cover. It only "rains" around the edges. :rolleyes:

Haha. Not sure of the obby name yet, I am expected to form an astronomy club and need to be careful not to upset my neighbours...

When ordered, the difference between the Pulsar and Scopedome was around a thousand pounds, but it all depends on the exchange rate. Plus, being in Europe already, carriage costs were better - it really hurts costs to cover the channel crossing so my advantage would become a disadvantage in the UK...

I also get torrential rain here and not a single drop of water gets into the dome, so happy with the weather proofing. I have no axe to grind with the Pulsar, it was actually a close call between the two but the shutter width was the winning feature for me. Having purchased the Scopedomes, for sure, they are very well engineered and pre-assembly in the factory before shipping makes sure they will fit together quickly and easily on site. The only thing to be aware of is the flat and level base requirement. Less than 1mm on flatness and 0.5 degrees on level. The brick construction was done slowly and levelled carefully as we go and the occasional use of a grinder to take out any high spots made assembly easy.

I am sure the same care and attention applied to a Pulsar would also pay dividends. (Please don't hate me, Pulsar owners !!)


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I did very seriously consider a dome, and looked at the Pulsar and Scopedome (At one point I had a design of a Pulsar dome on a "shed"), but decided that the added cost of dome automation made it just too much. There is a Baader clamshell design, but it's of the "If you have to ask how much..." persuasion.

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