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MESU park and sky model ??


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Hi all,

Been using my fabulous MESU 200 (sitech) predominantly for AP - indeed 99.9%.  My routine is point the scope pretty much anywhere, blind solve so I get a sync point, then go to my target where I then platesolve to get good accuracy.  No pointing model or any of that.  I will continue to do this for AP sessions.  Easy and I am up and running in a few minutes.

I want to start to use my MESU for visual as well with my new 14" Meade.   The way I have done this before is to slew to a star, faff around with getting it central (no EQmod so no game controller) with the aid of a finder scope then click on sync in CdC.  This gets the first sync star.  Cool.  Then refine with another to build the sky model for that session  All a bit of a faff.  Surely there is a better way than this in a permanent observatory?  Where the sky model can be saved?  How does this work and what do I need to do please?  How do you ensure the scope does not move even a fraction (which would throw off the sky model) in between sessions?  Even putting the cover on the scope, taking off the dew cover etc, can disturb the scope.

Would appreciate some advice in this area please?

Thanks, Steve


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If you park the Mesu so you can engage the locking hooks, the mount isn't going to move, just remember to take them off before the next session!

How you prevent the scope moving slightly is another issue, I can see why you put the lens cap back on, but do you need a cover in a covered observatory? I presume the folks with truly remote set ups don't have lens caps or covers, unless part of the service is someone going round putting them all back on as the sun comes up?

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With our earlier 'handset' Mesus I do need to do a 1 star alignment to start the evening but I don't have, or seem to need, a 2 or 3 star alignment option. Do you really need more than a 1 star? During a visual session you could update the 1 star on occasion.


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