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Anyone else having issues with SynScan App on a Huawei P20 Phone?


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As per the title really. 

Recently I've completely lost the ability to connect the SynScan Pro app to either the AZGti mount or the SynScan WiFi adaptor attached to an EQ5. 

I know that the mount and WiFi adaptor are still working as I can connect successfully with the SynScan Pro app from my wife's Samsung Galaxy and my work iPhone but the Huawei P20 phone will not connect at all. 

I can connect to the mount/adaptor WiFi network OK, the app recognises that I'm connected to the mount WiFi network but immediately says "Cannot Connect" 

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app twice and have restarted the phone several times but without success. 

Next stop is full phone factory reset which I've avoided so far because of all the faffing about to get it configured how I like it again. 

I've also ensured that battery saver is turned off but it makes no difference. 

Does anyone have any suggestions of things to try or has anyone else had the same issue?


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My Samsung S9+ phone has recently developed a similar issue with my AZGTi. Phone WiFi connects but Synscan Pro app doesn't see the WiFi connection as being present/available so can't connect.

This combo was working fine a couple of weeks ago. Phone has had an update, not sure about app though. Any ideas?

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I can't offer any advice, but what Android/Manufacturer software version are you on? I don't know if that's the issue, but it's worth checking... 

Perhaps other P20 and S9+ owners can post their versions and experiences. 


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On 14/04/2019 at 16:29, fireballxl5 said:

My Samsung S9+ phone has recently developed a similar issue with my AZGTi. Phone WiFi connects but Synscan Pro app doesn't see the WiFi connection as being present/available so can't connect.

This combo was working fine a couple of weeks ago. Phone has had an update, not sure about app though. Any ideas?

Mine was similar, it was working fine and then just stopped.  I'm still not sure why the issue happened, but thanks to @bobmoss who posted the following thread I now have a working setup again.

Google Play store there was an update to the Synscan Pro app on 3rd April, which is about when things started going wrong for me.

On 14/04/2019 at 16:34, adyj1 said:

I can't offer any advice, but what Android/Manufacturer software version are you on? I don't know if that's the issue, but it's worth checking... 

Perhaps other P20 and S9+ owners can post their versions and experiences. 


Thanks @adyj1, it looks like there might have been an app update which roughly coincides with when things started going wrong for me.

Looks like someone has managed to trace the problem.

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Thanks guys, simply selecting the network button and leaving it selected fixed this for me. Nice ?

I did try earlier this evening looking through these options but didn't leave the network button selected ? As the mount worked fine with my laptop I gave up on the phone, but this is much more convenient.

Great little mount when it all works - hardware and software lol

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