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Is this normal Windows Remote Desktop behaviour ?


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This afternoon for the first time I set up Windows Remote Desktop between my Obs PC (Windows XP) and my Indoors PC (Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit)

Part of the setup was giving the Obs PC a login password.

Now when I enter this password into the Remote Desktop login window on the Indoors PC, I get control of the Obs PC.

Fine, fantastic, roll on Winter (only joking, loving the sunshine)

But the Obs PC then reverts to its login screen and asks for the password.
If I enter the password and proceed so I can see the Obs PC desktop, the Remote Desktop session ends.

So I can't flit between Indoors and Obs PC without logging in all the time.

Is this the normal Remote Desktop behaviour, or have I made an error in the setup?


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Um? That's not how mine works but I am running WIn10Pro on both the mount Intel NUC-PC and the indoor ThinkPad laptop. Once I have connected to the mount PC (I only had to enter the password once, during the initial setup) I can switch between the mount and indoor PC at will; I only lose connection if I log out of the mount PC or I have a (very rare) network problem. My mount PC is wired to the network router via a switch - the laptop connects via a wireless connection. It all works very reliably and I rarely have any problems.

Not sure I can explain or help solve the problem you are experiencing.

As an aside, a word of advice/warning - if you upgrade to Win10 you will need Pro on both machines for RDP to work. 


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The way around it, is to either have common user names, with the same security context, or have Windows Domain user names, but that requires additional servers (can be virtualised) and at least one, promoted to a Domain Controller.

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On 29/03/2019 at 19:35, Adreneline said:

Um? That's not how mine works but I am running WIn10Pro on both the mount Intel NUC-PC and the indoor ThinkPad laptop. Once I have connected to the mount PC (I only had to enter the password once, during the initial setup) I can switch between the mount and indoor PC at will; I only lose connection if I log out of the mount PC or I have a (very rare) network problem. My mount PC is wired to the network router via a switch - the laptop connects via a wireless connection. It all works very reliably and I rarely have any problems.

Not sure I can explain or help solve the problem you are experiencing.

As an aside, a word of advice/warning - if you upgrade to Win10 you will need Pro on both machines for RDP to work. 


In the Win 10 Pro version of RDP you do NOT need Win 10 Pro on both machines. It is only required on the scope side 'server'. I run Win 10 'Home' indoors.

I switch on scope side NUC, then my indoor NUC, then only enter a password in the latter. Then establish the RDP connection from indoors. The scope side NUC runs completely headless. You establish this protocol during the one time initial set up process. There are plenty of Microsoft tutorials.

It is true that you can't then do stuff at the scope side computer, but why would you need to given you now have 100% remote control from indoors?

BTW, I also disable RemoteFX compression via Group Profiles. This prevents RDP from strangling the 4k UHD screen data that is output from 16 megapixel cameras. This and the fact you can stop nuisance 'notifications' and other Google rubbish when using Win 10 Pro is well worth the upgrade price. By contrast, the latest free version of TeamViewer demands that you connect  to the slow Internet so it can monitor any commercial usage. Windows 10 Pro is (IMHO) the best solution if your camera exceeds 1080p HD. 

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Just to wrap this up, I did a night's imaging without problems, the lack of a display outside wasn't a problem.

However, I'm not 100% sure I enjoyed the experience,  had a slight feeling I was "cheating" somehow....!

Out again tonight, I'll have to see.


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