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Heq5 questions - benefit of experience?


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Hi everyone 

I have some questions about the heq5 mount, which I hope members with experience can answer. ??

I plan on AP with 80mm ed, but also using it for bigger scopes for visual. So, there are 7 questions (sorry!). 

1. Would you buy new or secondhand? Why? 

2. Would you buy with rowan belt fitted? Why? 

3. Is it really as noisy as people say, without a rowan belt? 

4. How easy is it to move, lift and get into and out of a normal sized car? 

5. How long do you take from getting it out from storage, to observing? And how long to pack away? 

6. For VISUAL use, would you risk a C11 scope on it? I know C11 is just above its payload, but anyone found its not a problem, with this combo, or does it risk damaging the mechanism and affecting tracking for AP? 

Finally, last big question! 

7. IF you were making the choice now, would you still pick the heq5 (assuming you have one) or would you go for another type of mount(e.g. Eq6, Azeq5 etc) , based on your experience? 

Thank you to all who have the stamina and patience to get through this post! ???


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HEQ5 PRO was a very good mount my one was with gears as long as you are not moving fast like 8 or 9 on the hand set its not to bad. For AP scope around 100 120 will work well and I was getting 900s subs on a good night, easy to move , set up and take down 5 to 10 mins. any wind over 5 mph big scopes will not work that well for AP


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1. Depends - second hand would certainly be an option, depending on how well kept it is. I would not mind having new one if no second hand one was available.

2. No - but I would certainly fit one myself along with tuning and replacing other parts that need replacing (like bearings and such)

3. Yes

4. Fairly easy, I need 3 trips from my basement to back yard to setup mount - tripod, head, counter weights. I don't count scope nor cables for this. I did carry once or twice assembled tripod + mount head (without CWs), and it can be done, but I prefer to do it in couple of trips

5. I don't do observing with it, but I would imagine about 5-10 minutes setup time together with mounting the scope and doing rough PA.

6. Yes, C11 is listed at about 12.5Kg and is actually within mount carry capability. I had 8" F/6 newtonian with 60mm guide scope and cameras mounted on Heq5 for imaging totaling about 12-13Kg. I used 3x5Kg CWs with this. Mount can carry this, but I would not recommend this for imaging though. I don't think there would be any issues for visual.

7. For that sort of money, you can't beat Heq5. If I was again in the market for mount in that sort of budget, then I would see if my budget could be in any way stretched to CEM60 (but mind you that x2.5 more money). If larger scope is requirement then I would go for EQ6 variant, but I do think that Heq5 has very slight edge in terms of guided performance.

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53 minutes ago, markclaire50 said:

Hi everyone 

I have some questions about the heq5 mount, which I hope members with experience can answer. ??

I plan on AP with 80mm ed, but also using it for bigger scopes for visual. So, there are 7 questions (sorry!). 

1. Would you buy new or secondhand? Why? 

2. Would you buy with rowan belt fitted? Why? 

3. Is it really as noisy as people say, without a rowan belt? 

4. How easy is it to move, lift and get into and out of a normal sized car? 

5. How long do you take from getting it out from storage, to observing? And how long to pack away? 

6. For VISUAL use, would you risk a C11 scope on it? 

7. IF you were making the choice now, would you still pick the HEQ5? 

1. I bought secondhand in eccellent shape, after testing it. Why? 35% off. 

2. If properly installed with. Otherwise I'install it myself (what i have done) 

3. Not as much as a CG5, but not as silent as belt modded

4. I install it in two steps: one trip for mount & tripod (I don't separate them) + one for the counterweight. Then all the rest, of course, except to put it in the car. But no problem at all. 

5. 10 mins to install everything and polar Align, 10 mins to pack. 

6. No Experience, but wouldn't overload. 

7. Yes, definitely. Every day of my life. As @vlaivwrote: you just can't beat it for the money! ?


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As usual, very good advice from vlaiv.

When I first started in this money pit of a hobby I came here for advice. That advice was to get the very best mount you can afford. The CEM60 is, by all accounts, a tremendous mount and you do get what you pay for (optional tripod adds even more cost though).

Would you consider an EQ6-R? I can't offer any feedback on its performance but it would give you considerable spare payload capacity when using a 2k+ scope.

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41 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

1. Depends - second hand would certainly be an option, depending on how well kept it is. I would not mind having new one if no second hand one was available.

2. No - but I would certainly fit one myself along with tuning and replacing other parts that need replacing (like bearings and such)

3. Yes

4. Fairly easy, I need 3 trips from my basement to back yard to setup mount - tripod, head, counter weights. I don't count scope nor cables for this. I did carry once or twice assembled tripod + mount head (without CWs), and it can be done, but I prefer to do it in couple of trips

5. I don't do observing with it, but I would imagine about 5-10 minutes setup time together with mounting the scope and doing rough PA.

6. Yes, C11 is listed at about 12.5Kg and is actually within mount carry capability. I had 8" F/6 newtonian with 60mm guide scope and cameras mounted on Heq5 for imaging totaling about 12-13Kg. I used 3x5Kg CWs with this. Mount can carry this, but I would not recommend this for imaging though. I don't think there would be any issues for visual.

7. For that sort of money, you can't beat Heq5. If I was again in the market for mount in that sort of budget, then I would see if my budget could be in any way stretched to CEM60 (but mind you that x2.5 more money). If larger scope is requirement then I would go for EQ6 variant, but I do think that Heq5 has very slight edge in terms of guided performance.

Thank you Vlaiv for a very thorough reply! ??

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30 minutes ago, FaDG said:

1. I bought secondhand in eccellent shape, after testing it. Why? 35% off. 

2. If properly installed with. Otherwise I'install it myself (what i have done) 

3. Not as much as a CG5, but not as silent as belt modded

4. I install it in two steps: one trip for mount & tripod (I don't separate them) + one for the counterweight. Then all the rest, of course, except to put it in the car. But no problem at all. 

5. 10 mins to install everything and polar Align, 10 mins to pack. 

6. No Experience, but wouldn't overload. 

7. Yes, definitely. Every day of my life. As @vlaivwrote: you just can't beat it for the money! ?


Again, another comprehensive and useful reply! Than you FADG. ? ?

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30 minutes ago, Prador said:

As usual, very good advice from vlaiv.

When I first started in this money pit of a hobby I came here for advice. That advice was to get the very best mount you can afford. The CEM60 is, by all accounts, a tremendous mount and you do get what you pay for (optional tripod adds even more cost though).

Would you consider an EQ6-R? I can't offer any feedback on its performance but it would give you considerable spare payload capacity when using a 2k+ scope.

Thank you Prador. My original intention was to use a light weight 80mmed for AP, so heq5 seemed right for that. BUT, if I can use it for bigger scopes, I only need to get the ota. 


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On 01/03/2019 at 17:26, markclaire50 said:

Hi everyone 

I have some questions about the heq5 mount, which I hope members with experience can answer. ??

I plan on AP with 80mm ed, but also using it for bigger scopes for visual. So, there are 7 questions (sorry!). 

1. Would you buy new or secondhand? Why? 

2. Would you buy with rowan belt fitted? Why? 

3. Is it really as noisy as people say, without a rowan belt? 

4. How easy is it to move, lift and get into and out of a normal sized car? 

5. How long do you take from getting it out from storage, to observing? And how long to pack away? 

6. For VISUAL use, would you risk a C11 scope on it? I know C11 is just above its payload, but anyone found its not a problem, with this combo, or does it risk damaging the mechanism and affecting tracking for AP? 

Finally, last big question! 

7. IF you were making the choice now, would you still pick the heq5 (assuming you have one) or would you go for another type of mount(e.g. Eq6, Azeq5 etc) , based on your experience? 

Thank you to all who have the stamina and patience to get through this post! ???


1. New. I just prefer to buy new, especially items in this price bracket. although you could save a bit of time & money if you bought one that had already had belt mod & hypertune.

2. If i were to buy used then I would consider looking for one with a belt mod, Hypertuned as well if possible.

3. No, there is a little gear chatter on acceleration & deceleration but its not going to wake the neighbours!

4. Easy enough, the mount head will just about fit in one of the common "aluminum flight cases" a velcro strap around the legs of the tripod, I carry the counterweights individually.

5. Just the mount & OTA setup, polar alignment & Balancing about 10 mins.

6. Yep, no problem. I have used a 12" meade OTA for video astronomy (broadcast on BBC stargazing live) & I also use a 10" f/4 newtonian for visual & its fine.

7. If i was looking for a entry level mount then yes, I would consider the heq5. I have been very happy with mine over the last 10 years, its seen some serious abuse, including on being used on 5 series of BBC Stargzing Live, getting bashed about in transport etc and has never let me down, I've recently done a hyper tune & belt mod, the mount balances easier now and does track better, definitely a benefit for imaging, not sure it would be needed for visual. These days my budget is a bit greater so I probably wouldn't be looking for an entry level mount.

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1 hour ago, RyanParle said:

1. New. I just prefer to buy new, especially items in this price bracket. although you could save a bit of time & money if you bought one that had already had belt mod & hypertune.

2. If i were to buy used then I would consider looking for one with a belt mod, Hypertuned as well if possible.

3. No, there is a little gear chatter on acceleration & deceleration but its not going to wake the neighbours!

4. Easy enough, the mount head will just about fit in one of the common "aluminum flight cases" a velcro strap around the legs of the tripod, I carry the counterweights individually.

5. Just the mount & OTA setup, polar alignment & Balancing about 10 mins.

6. Yep, no problem. I have used a 12" meade OTA for video astronomy (broadcast on BBC stargazing live) & I also use a 10" f/4 newtonian for visual & its fine.

7. If i was looking for a entry level mount then yes, I would consider the heq5. I have been very happy with mine over the last 10 years, its seen some serious abuse, including on being used on 5 series of BBC Stargzing Live, getting bashed about in transport etc and has never let me down, I've recently done a hyper tune & belt mod, the mount balances easier now and does track better, definitely a benefit for imaging, not sure it would be needed for visual. These days my budget is a bit greater so I probably wouldn't be looking for an entry level mount.

Thanks Ryan. I wonder if I saw you on TV. I watched all the series. Pity they seemed to have stopped. 

Anyway, I would like to ask your opinion, since you seem very knowledgeable, on the aq eq mounts skywatcher sell. More expensive, but in the light of my questions above, would they be portable and could they handle similar scopes to the heq5. I ask this because I've realised, in my naivety that my house blocks polaris! I actually started another thread in the imaging group about polar alignment without polaris. I'd like to do visual and AP, so I need a mount I can do either with. 

I'd like to avoid dobs, although the flextube tracking ones are tempting, I'd be diverting valuable finances away from dso AP options. If I could only win the lottery! 



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You're welcome Mark. I was off camera pretty much all of the time, I was in shot during the eclipse broadcast to the left of the shots of Dara & Brian you can see the telescope with two men sat next to it, i'm the guy on the left,  There were a few rumours that there might be another series this year but nothing has come of it so far.
I've not really spent much time on the AZ-EQ's. My friend (also another Stargazing Live cameraman on the plane for eclipse & aurora) has the AZ-EQ6 which seems a good mount, it is slightly bigger and heavier than the HEQ5, but almost as portable, I've only ever used it in EQ mode and have found the encoder system to cause confusion at times. Personally i would stick with the older HEQ5 or EQ6 as I would never want the AZ functions, the latest skywatcher firmware has some built in polar alignment function which can help if you don't have a view of polaris. i've never used it though so cannot comment on it.

As far as payload is concerned, The HEQ5 is the lowest payload of them all capable of 13kg, then the AZ-EQ5 will take 15KG, EQ6 will take 18kg , The EQ6-R & AZ-EQ6 are both rated at 20kg 

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1 hour ago, markclaire50 said:

I ask this because I've realised, in my naivety that my house blocks polaris!

Relax. ?

The recent versione of the SynScan have a PA assist routine exactly for that. 

You align your mount towards north the best you can (I have marked three spots on ground for the three legs) and perform a 3 Star Alignment. 

At the end the mount will show the estimated PA error both in azimuth and elevation, and give you the corrections to compensate the error. 


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19 minutes ago, FaDG said:

Relax. ?

The recent versione of the SynScan have a PA assist routine exactly for that. 

You align your mount towards north the best you can (I have marked three spots on ground for the three legs) and perform a 3 Star Alignment. 

At the end the mount will show the estimated PA error both in azimuth and elevation, and give you the corrections to compensate the error. 


Hi. Thanks for this. Are you referring to a different version of syn scan Pro to the one used for North star alignment with alt az mount? I use the syn scan app for that. 



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The Polar align routine is built in to the handset's firmware, It uses the 3 star align process to calculate the error of the current polar alignment, The error is then shown on the screen

@FaDG i seem to recall that it will also slew to a star position with an offset equivalent to the PA error where you then use the Alt / Az adjustment bolts to centre the star in the FOV, am I right here? I don't actually have a synscan handset at the moment, and havent used one for years, i've used EQMod to control my mount since the very start.


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I'm referring to SynScan ver. 3.39, the latest I've found to be installed on the HEQ5 hand controller. 

The corrections are given directly through the hand controller, you don't need an external app. 

At the end of the 3 Star Alignment routine, it will display the computer error (Maz, Mel) as @RyanParle wrote, then point a star and ask you to center it. It will then move it and you'll have to recenter it with the az or alt bolts and confirm. Then same procedure for the other axis. 

DONE, you'll be polar aligned without seeing polaris. 


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