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Should i upgrade or buy new


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Hello every one this is my first post and i am a beginer,

I have always been interested in observing but never had the chance to so about 12 years ago i impulse bought a Tasco 375X Galaxsee Reflector,

I managed to get some great moon observing done and some blured planets but not much else and the scope was packed away as i was a little disappointed ,

Recently ive read the eyepieces and focusing can greatly improve the image .

Is it worth buying new better pieces or should i just give this scope to my nephew and save for a better scope.

I would realy like to be able to see nebula and distant objects maybe even be able to attach a digital camera etc.

As i said i am a noob but Thankyou in advance for any advice.

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Your scope is a short tube newtonian on an EQ1: when a scope description contains something like 375x, i think I know the reason why you got frustrated. No chance to get to focus with a camera and not worth to buy a motor for that. It might be ok for some Basic Visual but clearly the eyepieces are extremely low quality: at least if you buy new ones you could reuse them on another scope... But is it worth it? 

There are a lot of threads here around with subject: "New scope". I suggest that you give them a look and decide which scope best suits your goals, considering the budget you have in mind. 


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Hello Daren70. Welcome to SGL.

In the past 12 years things have changed considerably. You can now get a lot more scope performance for your ££ spent on new scopes.

I agree with FaDG. Read the new scope threads on SGL, keep asking questions and take your time.

Once you have enough time and posts on SGL, you will be able to buy from the classifieds on here.
This is (in my opinion) the best place in the UK for used scope gear.
You will be able to make considerable savings on new cost and kit on this site is generally in good order.

If you choose to buy new. Buy from an astronomy retailer. Definitely not department stores and the like.
The astro retailer generally does not sell junk or provide false expectations.
When you have questions or problems after sale, he can help.

Enjoy SGL, David.


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Hi @Daren70 and welcome to SGL. :hello2:

Personally I would pass your existing 'scope on to your nephew, as you suggested and upgrade. 

Getting decent images though with any 'scope is going to be a 'never ending money pit' - you have been warned! 

The most important piece of that being the mount and if not a permanent; a stable tripod or pier. They need to be future proof for further scope upgrades, etc., as they are the most vital parts and a fast scope, i.e f4. I am not into astro-photography/imaging yet, but read and research it. It is a steep learning curve... we all learn from our mistakes. Join or visit your local astro society/club and keep asking questions... get hold of a copy of this book too Make Every Photon Count. Also checkout AstroBiscuit's youtube channel, (he goes under the name of @rorymultistorey on SGL.) :icon_salut: 

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3 hours ago, Carbon Brush said:

Once you have enough time and posts on SGL, you will be able to buy from the classifieds on here.
This is (in my opinion) the best place in the UK for used scope gear.

I would also suggest the second hand market on SGL ads. Everything I bought from here was in good condition and certainly worth its price. Also I think that you 'll need the 50 posts limit to actually post your own ad, while you can buy something as soon as you register on SGL, in order to send private message to the seller concerning transaction details.

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