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Mewlon/GP-DX setup - two problems solved tonight


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I had two issues to resolve to get this rig playing nicely. Firstly was collimation, something I was not looking forward to as I had heard it was tricky, and very critical on these scopes. It is due a trip to Mr Reid as soon as I can work out how and when to get it there, my efforts will have to suffice until then.

The second issue was related to the mount. I had added a new ADM clamp to the GP-DX to give me Losmandy clamping to take the Mewlon, but for some reason this was causing the MT4 metal motor housing to foul on the clutch clamp housing. I actually addressed this problem first by filing down the small flange that was causing the problem, a simple fix in the end and actually quite quick to do. A little scruffy but I'm sure I can tidy that up, not that it notices in the dark!

Mount reassembled and scope back on, I headed to Polaris to collimate. The Allen bolts were very tight, but by very carefully adjusting them a tiny fraction at a time, and going the wrong way plenty of times, i got it pretty close at highish power using the Docter 12.5mm at x193. The results are significantly better so I am well pleased.

I added the Skyfi unit using the cable I sourced on eBay, and Skysafari connected straight away. Gotos are very accurate now, and so I thought I would test my collimation on two tight doubles that John suggested on another thread; 52 and 32 Orionis.

Keeping the Docter in, I'm pleased to say I got good splits on both, with the stars looking nice and tight.

Very pleased with my evening so far. I headed back to M42 for E & F but it some hazy cloud had moved in making it impossible. Just had dinner so will head out again and see how I get on! Mrs Stu and the short one are away for the night so I've got some free time!


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39 minutes ago, John said:

I didn't know you had a Mewlon Stu. Was it a recent purchase ? Which one did you get ?

I missed you getting the Docter 12.5mm as well - I must pay a bit more attention ! :rolleyes2:


I've not over publicised it John! Bit embarrassed about the kit levels and need to trim down!

It's a Mewlon 210, and I'm liking it a lot. Collimation has helped sharpen it up a lot. There is some mirror flop but I've got a Feathertouch second focuser on it so don't need to use the main focus unless changing between eyepieces with very different focus points.

The Docter came over from Gerry not long ago, I always missed the one I had before so it is good to have it back in the case.

With the GP-DX and Skysafari it is making a very useable setup. Once the Moon is out of the way I shall have some fun I think, although I'm going to look at the Moon in a little while once it clears the hedge.

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Yes, a seriously, serious scope ! :smiley:

I keep feeling guilty about my kit collection but, beyond some minor trimming, I've yet to make a determined effort to reduce the inventory :rolleyes2:

I've largely stopped buying new things lately, which I guess is some progress.

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1 hour ago, JeremyS said:

@John, @Stu

Guys, don’t feel guilty about levels of kit. Enjoy! And keep posting your experiences.

John, did you ever get the replacement SW150 from FLO to test?

Not as yet Jeremy, but I think it will happen in due course :icon_biggrin:

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