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Moon filter


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Out observing last night, first clear night where I had no obligations already lined up.  It was great.  The moon was incredibly vibrant in its brightness.  That was a bit of a problem for me though.  Even through the Baader Moon and Skyglow filter I was repeatedly dazed with the overwhelming brightness of the moon.  

The scope came with a 1.25 moon filter, which works well with the included 9mm EP.  The EPs I've been using are all 2inch with wide FOV.  I'd like to keep the FOV trend going with the 2" EPs.  

Can someone recommend a proper 2" filter specific to viewing the moon?  My eyes are really light sensitive.  


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To be honest, the one filter I find the best is the Lumicon ND13 filter which can only be bought from the States, it gives 13% light transmission and I can assure you it is the best out there, I have bought all my filters from AgenaAstro and they are extremely good with very fast delivery, link:


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I found that binoviewing the moon eliminated my sensitivity to the brightness of the moon even at full phase because both eyes see the same intensity, which is roughly 50% of the intensity of monoviewing.  I can also easily pick out detail on the brightly lit part of the moon when binoviewing.  Those same features seem washed out monoviewing.  The moon also takes on a strongly 3D impression when binoviewing.  Remember, the full moon is roughly the same brightness as worn asphalt at noon because it only reflects 12% of the light hitting it.

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