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Getting back into imaging after a long break


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On target IC1396 though slightly off due to the mount park position not pointing exactly at Polaris.  As expected it's near the NAN in Cygnus as seen in this image.


Edited by Gina
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Zoomed in.  This target is a lot fainter than the NAN and this 60s exposure will want increasing.  Also, this is far too wide a view for this target.


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Cloud bank come over here too, still got 40 mins to complete the 6 hour RGB. This is hard work. Going to hold off for the moment, see if the cloud breaks. The Netweather radar is showing no rain incoming, so should be safe.

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Clouded up now so I'm packing it in for tonight.  Anyway, I've done what I set out to do - find target in KStars and slew to it, for several different targets.

Another time I shall see if I can solve for Polaris and set the mount Park position to it.  Then any slewing from KStars will go to the exact place.  Accuracy is not too much of a problem with this wide angle lens but for longer focal length lenses or telescopes it will be important.  Though if I can get live plate solving to work that will cover it.

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Packed up too, as the cloud bank looks pretty solid.

So far I have 2 hours Red, and 1 Hour 40 min each Green and Blue. So next session will be 20 mins each Green and Blue and as much Luminance as I can get.

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8 minutes ago, Gina said:

Another time I shall see if I can solve for Polaris and set the mount Park position to it.  Then any slewing from KStars will go to the exact place.

I'm not sure that will work, because Polaris isn't actually at the NCP and therefore the mount will be sent to the position for the current hour angle (I think).

I have a feeling the way I read to do it was to use the handset (should be possible with the planetarium program too) to point the mount directly at the eastern or western horizon having started at the park position.  Then release the DEC clutch and use a spirit level to ensure something on the saddle that should be level is indeed level.  Relock the clutch and use the controller again to rotate the mount back ninety degrees to the park position.

Even then I think you may need to sync to a few different points in the sky to build an accurate model in Ekos if you want it to be really reliable.


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Been waiting for comet Africano to drag itself above the obs'y wall, wind's playing havoc with the guide graph and not even sure its in the frame, few clouds drifting over but will persevere for a bit.


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Might get some clear sky tonight but I don't think I shall be ready to do any imaging as I'm still working on the power distribution box and may not get it done in time.  As usual these days, it's taking longer than expected.  Anyway, an early night wouldn't be such a bad thing!

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