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Getting back into imaging after a long break


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Just re-run StarAlignment on the previous set of images taken on 2019-07-09 with the two noise parameters set to 1, as mentioned earlier.  No errors!!  All 47 Lights StarAligned. Yippee!  :thumbsup:

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Been looking through the aligned images with Blink and the are 3 or 4 rejects.  The good one I shall integrate next - in their filter groups.

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Have now performed ImageIntegration on all 3 sets of Lights.  No problems.

Here'a a couple of screenshots from PI.  Normal stacked images and stretched images.



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Been out, opened the roof and removed the Flats panel.  Moon shining brightly but that will be well to the west of where I'm imaging by dark.

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Just needs to get dark now and then I can start imaging.  Going to have to keep swapping filters to stand a chance of capturing OIII and SII.  Not a problem, just a matter of setting up the schedule.

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I've got a lot of high cloud here, may be contrails too, quite brightly lit by the moon, hope they stay here rather than heading your way.

Not going to bother tonight, it's just too bright, even for H-alpha, especially as the wheel has 7nm Baader, the Astrodons are in another set-up.

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I've set up a schedule lasting 4 hours which goes well into daylight (but I don't care).  Don't think this imaging run is going to be very good anyway but can but see!!

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The only little bit of nebulosity I can see in SII in in the Cygnus Loop and that would be better saved for just that DSO only.  I've taken 20m of SII out of the schedule leaving 50m of SII.  40m of Ha and 25m of OIII.  Deleted some wrong entries so I'll add some more Ha and OIII

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I think that's it - should run for around 3 hours by which time it'll be light.  Added alternating Ha and OIII in 5m sets (10 subs each). 

Time for bed.

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16 hours ago, Gina said:

Here is a screenshot from PI showing full width plus expanded views using GIMP 

A quick way to do this in PI is to create a preview of the desired area. Then drag its tab out of the image window unto the workspace. This creates a new image of the preview. Save as jpeg.

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Just been checking the Lights and did just about right for timing with just a few frames of the OIII set lost to daylight.  Also, none lost to cloud, a few with aircraft or satellite trails.

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Couldn't get solving to work on a captured image live.  Tried various things - binning 4x4, exposure 20s etc.  I ended up cropping my old image to get the solved position to what I wanted.  A proper fudge!!

First screenshots show the original area I used to Load & Slew but to get the framing right I had to crop the original as shown in the second screenshot.  Using the original crop I got the Sadr Region at the bottom of the frame with the NAN and Cygnus Loop out of sight.  All this really shows is that my rough manual setting of my Park position of pointing at Polaris was a bit out.  Of course, this should be corrected by capture and solve but I can't get the solve to work




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Had a reply from INDI Forum. 


The online version has all indexes and they are a little better then the local version. Due to a different star catalog which is copyrighted these indexes can't be distributed.

I'll try online solving.  At least I have 50GBps both way BB.

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2 hours ago, Gina said:

Had a reply from INDI Forum.

Well, that confirms you're well and truly back into imaging, LOL!

2 hours ago, Gina said:

I'll try online solving.

Yep, it looks like your way forward for the wide angle stuff, especially with your decent symmetrical bb.

Some interesting comments about why the -local- crop solves but the wide field doesn't. Maybe post a link to your indi thread in case others are having similar problems?

Well done for sticking at it.

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Good point about linking my thread :- My thread on the INDI Forum.

8 minutes ago, alacant said:

Well, that confirms you're well and truly back into imaging, LOL!

Yes indeed.  Trouble is I'm suffering for it!  I thought I took it fairly easy yesterday but today I'm achy all over.  OK so I went back and forth to the observatory a few times and the roof could do with looking at as it takes more force to open and close it.  Or maybe it was the stress of image processing and trying to get to grips with everything after that long break.  Trouble is, I'm my own worst enemy - once I get keen on something there's no stopping me.  Seems I'm feeling my age.  I have to learn to take things more easily.  It's difficult when the number of clear night sky hours are severely limited

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ATM there's lots of clear sky forecast for tonight but I don't think it will be any good - looks like the moon is going to be shining right down the spout!!    Oh well - guess I need a rest.

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