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2" 38mm Panaview Eyepiece + more..


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Hellooooo,its me againnnn.

I m just about to purchase my 8" dob and i ve been wondering about which EPs i should buy for wide Fovs. After digging around a bit, i came across this eyepiece


Is it of good quality? Should I buy it?

If not which eyepiece of similar budget do you suggest?

Also i ve read somewhere that i can use 2" filters on both 2" and 1.25" Eyepieces.Is that true? If so, how do i do it?!

Thank you


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The Panaview eyepieces are pretty good although not perfectly edge corrected in an F/6 scope. Nice views though, overall. I reckon the 32mm would probably be the best suited to your 8 inch F/6 scope. To get better edge correction you need to pay a bit more - the Aero ED 30mm would be a bit better but there is not a lot in it.

To use a 2 inch filter with 1.25" eyepieces you put the filter onto the end of the 1.25"-2" eyepiece adapter if it is threaded for filters. You need to make sure that the 1.25" eyepiece barrel will not contact the filter when it is inserted though. So you really need to know if the 1.25"-2" adapter for your scope is threaded for 2 inch filters.



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Helloooooo Kronus, it's also me again!  Yes, they are good eyepieces and pinsharp on axis, but on fast telescopes show a bit of astigmatism at the edges.  Your scope is an f/6 which is not extremely fast so you should get some stunning views.  I would strongly advise you consider the 32mm rather than the 38mm as the 38mm is a large heavy beast and not at all to my liking.  The 32mm PanaView was the first upgrade I ever bought for my 200P. 

I have answered your filter question in your other post on filters (Eyepiece adapter suited for filters).

Good luck!

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