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M42 - 3rd attempt and now pretty happy...

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Finally an image of M42 I am reasonably happy with. OK it is still a little soft but there's much more structure to the nebulosity now.  I changed quite a lot in my approach on this one; more time on polar alignment and longer subs.  10x60secs LRGB with RGB 2x binned.  At this stage as well I decided to remove the coma corrector - one less thing in the light path and as I am f5 with a reasonably small sensor thought I would give it a go.  I also have the new focuser in (Baader SteelTrack) and that has made a massive difference - really nice piece of kit, super stable with no play or backlash whatsoever.  

I changed my processing workflow as well and used Nebulosity for capture, stacking and combining the LRGB (finally got it to work) and then post in Affinity.

Things still to sort - collimation and I still didn't quite get the guiding to work. I did get the guidescope set up and focussed etc and talking to PHD but couldn't get it to calibrate but will try again with that next session.  That said I am very satisfied with my progress over 3 sessions.  Will probably give M42 one more go guided and try and nail the collimation once and for all and then move on to new targets :)

For reference scope is a Skywatcher 150P 750mm, camera - Starlight Express SX674 with SX Filter Wheel, Baader 36mm filters, mount - SW AZ EQ6GT 


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