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Show us your setup in the snow.....


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I don't think this has been added to the plethora of 'Show us your....' threads, so here goes. I imagine the dob boys have some good ones.

I just wanted to test out my AZGTi this afternoon ahead of hopefully clear skies tonight, so I thought I would try a little solar white light. It was fairly unrewarding, nothing too much to see with the sun so low and inactive, but I did catch some granulation and a patch of faculae.

Hope the skies stay clear, could be chilly tonight though!




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Looks good Stu. Hope you're your wish  for a clear night.
Oddly enough, when I look around to the distant Fells, they are snow covered,
but in the City, we have not had any ground snow at all. Very frosty of course. but no Snow Man building
possible here.  I've been connecting all my gear to the mount today, and all responses are good.
It's in the Obs. so definitely no snow in here.?
I'll have a word with any weather Guru who might listen, and plead for a good night tonight.

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7 minutes ago, John said:

Will that scope split Sirius Stu ?


It's not impossible with the right conditions John but I've not managed it yet. I'm going to try wrapping the scope to take the tube currents.

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11 minutes ago, Saganite said:

Wow, in less than 30 minutes the sky has gone from good to complete cloud cover and looking dark enough for some form of precipitation.

To all with clear sky, have a great time.

Same here but minus the precipitation, so far. Silly weather !!!! :rolleyes2:

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As I said earlier, No Snow here, but I've been doing some homework on my 
rig in the Obs. and  he 314 L  and the Atik filter wheel are all showing up and responding in Maxim DL
The sky looks promising tonight, I am loaded down with a nasty cough so the Wife may well Veto any adventure tonight.
Took a shot of the Rig, I tried to tidy up the cable jungle , but  more work needed in that area.

Mount Duo.jpg

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3 minutes ago, John said:

Nice night here. Around 2 degrees I think. NELM is 5.3 or a touch better overhead (I've picked up 52 Orionis in my Orion star count). Might be a long session if it stays clear :smiley:

Did you use a particular star to gauge the NELM John or have you a means of measuring it?

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