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Rosette Nebula

Skipper Billy

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Rosette Nebula taken last night (I was looking South not knowing the Aurora was screaming away behind me !). 3 hours Luminance binned 1x1 and 1.5 hours RGB binned 2x2.  Fully calibrated with Darks, Bias and Flats and processed in Pixinsight.

Constructive criticism very welcome.

Full res here - Rosette Nebula.tif

Rosette Nebula.jpg

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That's great, with crisp resolution of the Bok globules and the fissures in the gas.

The only thing that would tempt me back for a further tweak would be the stars, which are maybe a bit big and also white in the cores. I don't know how you'd go about this in PI but in Ps I'd work just with the RGB stars (though maybe the binning would make this difficult. I don't know.)

Super image.


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