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Custom parts for a mount


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Knowing that there are a few members here with an iOptron CEM 120 XXX mount and as I am tinkerer and like to adapt my equipment to the best posible use ehre is something I made for my two CEM 120EC2 mounts.

Having used cine more then 15 years always two or more scopes on the mounts in a Side By Side SBS arrangement I designed and let machine some custom parts.

In this case a DEC head raiser for getting more meridian time and as well as relocating the saddle hub inbetween the scopes and so avoid cabling under or over the scope which sits at the saddle hub.

 I made a high profile rasier about 50 mm and a low profile raiser about 6 mm.

The trough the mount cabling of this mounts is amazing. I used to have two other brand mounts and needed to have a thick cable harness hanging down the rear of the telescopes. All is gone.

Attached a few images








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