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First image finally! M42

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OK there is more wrong than right with this image (focus is a bit out, the telescope's collimation needs fine tuning and I need much more data) but this is my first astro photo and is Orion Nebula (Messier 42 or just M42).  The current focuser I have is pretty awful also and needs to be swapped out for something decent and of course the processing leaves something to be desired.

There is some structure showing to the nebulosity though and given this is just the luminance data (and note it really is very limited subs - 3 x 45 seconds but I was getting close to frostbite!). I will persist and try and get the RGB data over the coming nights. 

Camera is a Starlight Xpress SX674 and the scope is a SW 150P (the 750mm FL one but not the PDS).  L filter is a Baader 36mm.

But, at least I know it all works and given how long it has taken for me to get this far I am happy enough. And cold, very very cold...


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Very interesting image! I'm surprised at level of detail from minute and a half of exposure (3x45s is it?).

Collimation is first thing that needs to be addressed here - I believe image could have been quite a bit deeper and more detailed if collimation was good.

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That's really good for a first image with only a few short exposures. Keep at it.

I am also new to imaging and all in all there is a lot you have to get right in order to achieve great images, and thus an awful lot that can go wrong. It it often seems that at least one thing goes wrong each session.

I too am still trying to get my setup just right but you just have to keep at it and get one thing then move onto the next. It is an achievement just to get the target in the frame .

As stated above sort out the collimation, then get the focus just right, any improvements you make make it see all worth while and really gives you a boost. 


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Thanks all. Yeah I know the collimation is terrible - battery has gone on my laser collimator and I’ve removed the mirror for cleaning so this was done by eye from a standing start after putting the mirror back in.

it was more a proof of concept effort just to check everything worked. As per an earlier post of mine - no point wasting nights sat indoors even if things aren’t perfect, be it the weather or your kit.

@vlaiv - I am pretty stunned with such little data too. I had heard good things about the SX674 and it certainly seems to pull in the detail. The neighbour’s security light kept coming on as well - points straight at the tripod and annoys the hell out of me!

Batteries ordered for the collimator and am looking at a decent focuser as the current on is rubbish for imaging :) 

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6 hours ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

I too am still trying to get my setup just right but you just have to keep at it and get one thing then move onto the next. It is an achievement just to get the target in the frame .

This is exactly what I have done. I didn’t even try and use the camera until I had got to grips with the mount. Much of the initial messing around with the camera was indoors and in daylight and the filter wheel is still being temperamental. 

Next up, once I’ve sorted the collimation, is to get the guidescope and cam working. 

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This lools great for a first image.  I'm alsonlearning my equipment/routine and method with my equipment.  This is MUCH better than my first attempt.  You'll be surprised how quickly it improves, keep it at, lools great.

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I should have mentioned also - captured, stacked and stretched in Nebulosity 4 and then tweaked the levels etc in Affinity Photo. 

Given I spent even less time processing it than I did collecting the data it’s another area for improvement!!

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3 hours ago, dannybgoode said:

This is exactly what I have done. I didn’t even try and use the camera until I had got to grips with the mount. Much of the initial messing around with the camera was indoors and in daylight and the filter wheel is still being temperamental. 

Next up, once I’ve sorted the collimation, is to get the guidescope and cam working. 

I have ad a guidescope and cam right from the off but still haven't got it to work reliably yet. But I have managed good 3 minute subs without. Not sure what I am doing wrong and can get it working using PHD2 for a while but eventually it faults and stops guiding.  So a guidescope is not a necessity, at least to begin with. Good luck anyway, one day it will all slip into place for us, I am sure of that. What also is not straight forward is the processing but again I think that is down to practice which thankfully can be done in comfort ? 



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heya my 2p ;)

As others have said get your collimation sorted out first this can be done indoors ( im guessing your setting up and tearing down each session ) so when you set up just do a quick collimation check to make sure nothing has moved during setup.

Pay attention to try and get your polar alignment as close as you can ( not sure which mount your using) once you have this good you should be able to image for more than 1 minute unguided. Then start off with some longer subs unguided and drop down in exposure length until you dont have startrails.

However on M42 you wont need much more than a minute exposure time to get something you will like :)

Some folks even drop down to like 10 seconds to get the core of that nebula but thats a different story .


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That's a great start.

You've already pointed out all the issues with the photo, which is great as it clearly shows that image has value!  Learn, make alterations then try again.  Keep going and you'll have an image to be proud of before you know it.

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All set up and ready for second attempt. Wasn’t going to bother tonight but hey it’s clear and I want a better image than the first time :D  

Collimation is much better but still not perfect. There’s way too much movement in my current focuser draw-tube so difficult to get it spot on. At least it’s not miles out now though. Will post the results...

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