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M2 EOS/C11


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I'm not particularly pleased with this image. The object was in the mirk of the light pollution from central London that I have to the south particularly in the early evening, and there were bad LP effects in this image, of which I have removed the worst by cropping the corners. In addition all the stars look a bit comatic, which suggests a collimation error, but actually I think it is more atmospheric effects from the low altitude. They were also chromatically dispersed, which I have corrected by nudging the channels in Photoshop.

Anyway, I had not imaged this object before, so now I have.



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I have had another go at this, and, using a different selection of flats, I have been able to get a flatter background and include the whole frame. I have also been able to bring out the outer regions of the cluster more. The stars are still comets though.

Not taken last night, but more than a weeks ago, BTW Mark, so the Moon is no excuse, as there was none.



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That's getting to look really nice now David, well 'rounded' and good colours. Shows what the old 350D can bring out! Pity about the 'coma' effect, perhaps you could find a way of losing it? Tried any sort of deconvolution tool?

As it happens, M2 was one of the first things I tried imaging with my kit (also 350D) when I still had it in sussex, I just dug it out. It also shows 'coma' but I don't think mine's down to the atmosphere, my 'coma' goes the other way than yours, so it probably really is coma - or trailing!

Looking forward to your DSo work in progress - inspiration to all those of us who live under far far better skies!

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