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Quick tip on the SynScan WiFi adapter


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Ran the SynScan WiFi adapter last might for the first time and overall was very impressed. 

However one thing that annoyed me was the screen kept locking and each time it lost the WiFi connection. Not a massive thing but an annoyance as it takes a bit of convincing to get it connected again. The biggest issue was during star alignment. Then it was a pain. 

There is a setting though to keep the screen permanently on thus avoiding the problem (bit of course will drain the battery more). 

Go to ‘Settings’ ‘User Interface’ and you’ll see an option for ‘Keep screen on’. 

I’m sure people who have used the app for a while will already know this but it took me a bit of digging to find it so thought I’d share :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good news!

v1.14.1 of Synscan Pro is available from the app store. This release fixes the issue where the locking screen would interrupt connection.

Only the problem of needing two iOS devices remains (if you also use Sky Safari) but I believe this is an Apple problem not Skywatcher.

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9 hours ago, Prador said:

Good news!

v1.14.1 of Synscan Pro is available from the app store. This release fixes the issue where the locking screen would interrupt connection.

Only the problem of needing two iOS devices remains (if you also use Sky Safari) but I believe this is an Apple problem not Skywatcher.

Yes, tested it yesterday and it was much better. Had and enjoyable 30 minutes of lunar action before the clouds got too bad. 

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