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Recommend me a filter set

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So the final piece in the puzzle before I have s complete imaging rig is a filter wheel and filters. 

Pretty much decided on the Starlight Xpress 1.25” filter wheel seeing as I have a Starlight Xpress SX674M but if there is a compelling reason to consider something else I’m open to ideas. 

Much more tricky is the choice of filters themselves. Is something like the Baader or ZWO ‘beginners’ set up to the job or is it worth getting the more expensive Baader or Astronomik set? Or something else entirely?

There’s a big difference in price but do the more expensive ones yield noticeably better results. Note the rig will be guided so I’m hoping for 5 minute plus subs if that is a factor. 

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Your choice of FW is fine.  I have a couple of SX wheels and had no issues at all with them.

The Baader filters have a good track record and are pretty well par focal, which can be quite a benefit.  I know people are successfully using the ZWO ones, but my view is if you can stretch your budget to the Baader ones, they perform pretty well.

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The Baader beginners set are absorptive filters (coloured glass) and won't have the pass band accuracy to match the more expensive dichroic filters. They will have more overlap between colours and less transmission. I assume the similarly priced ZWO ones are also absorptive.

The more expensive dichroic ZWO RGB ones (not the similar priced ones for the ASI1600) seem to pass IR so will need to be used with a UV/IR cut filter as well. There have been reports of reflections and halos on bright stars with the ZWO filters (though this predominantly affects the ZWO narrow band filters).

If you can afford it, like Ray I would recommend the Baader LRGB CCD Filter set at £211 pounds and have a good reputation though they are £80 more than the ZWO ones. They will last your imaging lifetime. If you buy the absorptive filters which will give satisfactory results for starting out you will invariably switch to more expensive filters in the future if you get the bug, :smile: so in the long run will cost you more.


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Thanks all

Spotted an SX wheel + Baader filters on ASB so am making enquiries. 

Makes sense re: the filters. I have a nice collection of terrestrial photography gear and know that when it comes to putting something in the light path more often than not it is worth spending that bit more for quality. 

Hopefully soon the clouds will part and I will iron out the last few niggles with my mount etc and I’ll be up and away. In the meantime I am on my third read of ‘the book’ :) 

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5 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

I'd also go with the Baader dichroic filters in LRGB. These are what I use. If you feel like splashing out then the Astrodon Ha options are in a class apart but are expensive.



I'm quite impressed with the Chroma NB filters at the moment. I understand that the performance is very similar to the Astrodons, although I've not had the chance to compare them.

However, bear in mind that both the Chroma and Astrodon filters, with their superior characteristics, also come at a premium price!

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12 hours ago, Pompey Monkey said:

I'm quite impressed with the Chroma NB filters at the moment. I understand that the performance is very similar to the Astrodons, although I've not had the chance to compare them.

However, bear in mind that both the Chroma and Astrodon filters, with their superior characteristics, also come at a premium price!

I've recently got the Chroma LRGB and 3nm narrowband set and am so far suitably impressed.

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