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What an unmodded EOS cannot do


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A interesting demonstration of the limits of the unmodified EOS 350D/C11/Celestron LPR setup I have been using recently. I got excellent results on M42 and planetary nebulae, but it is hopeless with a faint object that shines almost entirely in the H alpha deep red.

This is 80 minutes of Horsehead (8x10 mins). I went to bed on the morning of the 25th, left the system imaging, and got up an hour later in order to capture this, but I needn't have bothered. At least I then took the opportunity to take some shots of the crescent Moon. You live and learn.



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Thats a real shame because that would have made an awesome 'close up' of the horsey. The guiding and stars there are very sharp, and a credit to the setup.

Its true though, the modded 350d just makes this dso jump out at you. You going to get yours done?


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No, decided to leave it as it is but get a QHY8. The reason for this is that I am going to start imaging with a Hyperstar on the C11, and, though Starizona say you can use the C11 Hyperstar with an EOS, it doesn't seem very suitable to me - wrong shape. Also, a QHY has come up at a good price. :D


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No, decided to leave it as it is but get a QHY8. The reason for this is that I am going to start imaging with a Hyperstar on the C11, and, though Starizona say you can use the C11 Hyperstar with an EOS, it doesn't seem very suitable to me - wrong shape. Also, a QHY has come up at a good price. :D

Welcome to Hyperstar heaven, i`m sure you`ll enjoy your stay :help:

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Well you dont know what the equipment you use is capable of until you try these things......

I havent managed the HH yet with my modded 350, although exp times have only been around 90secs....If i can push exp times up, seeing this image of what an unmodded dslr can do, gives me hope.......


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Well, I've steered clear of all the gaseous stuff with my setup - unmodded 350D on f/4.8 10" newt. Maybe the right decision after all - I've only tried a couple of nebulae: one was M57 which, at prime focus on a fast scope doesn't amount to much. The other was the Helix which was one of the ones I showed you the other night David. But I'm better off sticking to galaxies and especially globs, I reckon. NGC7293 needed a tremendous amount of curve-tugging to show anything at all (virtually invisible in the subs) and the quality is - er - well at least you can make it out on the final processed image, I can say that much...

Perhaps your horse might not be totally dead, may give you a run for your money with a bit of similarly brutal flogging...(oops! extended metaphor)

Maybe one day I'll get my 350D modded...

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