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Star alignment issue with my AZ EQ6

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I’ve been using my Skywatcher AZ EQ6 is AZ mode as I’ve been doing visual obs and it’s been great. Aligns well, tracks well - all is good. 

However with my forthcoming foray into imaging I’ve been trying to get it to work I’m EQ mode and so far it’s been a lesson in frustration. 

I have the tripod pointing north and the mount is dead level. I have the declination set to 53o, all the bits input in to the handset (long and lat taken from the SynScan app so I am hoping that’s right!). 

At this stage though I have not done a full polar alignment but it should be there or thereabouts. 

When I start the 2-star alignment and pick a star (I tried Capella last night) it slews round but is miles out. Ok it’s pointing very roughly in the right direction but the R.A. is somewhat out but the declination is terrible. 

Am I missing something obvious?

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I would use the polar scope on the mount rather than the handset. This should get you close (sure synscan shows where polaris should be in the scope) and then run drift align in phd2, you could also use sharpcap and run the polar alignment routine.

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7 minutes ago, spillage said:

I would use the polar scope on the mount rather than the handset. This should get you close (sure synscan shows where polaris should be in the scope) and then run drift align in phd2, you could also use sharpcap and run the polar alignment routine.

Sorry spillage. I didn’t mean polar alignment, I meant the star alignment routine for GOTO. I know it won’t get the target star bang on but it’s barely getting it in the right postcode. 

I then have to spend an age getting the star centred. 

Yes for proper polar alignment I’m going to try drift aligning.  Or preferably find my QHY Polemaster which I’ve managed to lose before even using it...

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In that case it sounds like you will be running the mount from a pc possibly?. In that case I would ditch the handset and give APT a go (similar to sgpro). Its free to trial (unlimited time) and to buy its about 15 or 20 pounds. Very good value for money. You can then platesolve and this will remove the need to every star align again. I wish I had tried it in the beginning rather than put it off for months. I have never looked back. 

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16 minutes ago, spillage said:

In that case it sounds like you will be running the mount from a pc possibly?. In that case I would ditch the handset and give APT a go (similar to sgpro). Its free to trial (unlimited time) and to buy its about 15 or 20 pounds. Very good value for money. You can then platesolve and this will remove the need to every star align again. I wish I had tried it in the beginning rather than put it off for months. I have never looked back. 

Nice one. Will give it a go in that case - happy to hook my laptop up, I’ll need it for imaging anyway!

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sorry I should of mentioned that you might need an eqdir lead to connect the mount to the pc. I have been using a lynx one for my neq6 from flo for about 12 months without any issues.

You can use leads to connect the handset to a pc but I find just having the one lead easier and you will no longer need the handset.

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I seem to recall having the same problem when I first used my AZ-EQ6, in the end the problem was my understanding not the controller or the mount. One obvious error which I think I made was, on initialisation, putting in the date in UK format when it requires US format.

Nowadays, to avoid any problems, after the date/time/location initialisation, I go to the menu item where it says "start from home position" so that it assumes the scope is starting off pointing roughly North and roughly level. I then do the star-alignment, and it gets to the right ballpark every time.

Cheers, Magnus


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9 minutes ago, Captain Magenta said:

I seem to recall having the same problem when I first used my AZ-EQ6, in the end the problem was my understanding not the controller or the mount. One obvious error which I think I made was, on initialisation, putting in the date in UK format when it requires US format.

Nowadays, to avoid any problems, after the date/time/location initialisation, I go to the menu item where it says "start from home position" so that it assumes the scope is starting off pointing roughly North and roughly level. I then do the star-alignment, and it gets to the right ballpark every time.

Cheers, Magnus


Yes that’s the problem. I am using the US date format (yesterday was easy anyway!) and I’m starting from the home position but it would be a stretch to say it gets me in the ballpark. Same town may be!..

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I found that having polar aligned and then starting a two star alignment the second star chosen was out a bit but once I had centered and accepted the star the mount subsequently tracked well.

I also used Pole Master for Polar alignment. If you use a compass and inclinometer you can get close but consider if you are one degree out that is two moon diameters...a large potential error.


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Thanks all

I am going to revisit with a clear head when the clouds have gone.  Never good to get more and more frustrated and have been reading up on various aspects in the meantime and fiddling with stuff in daylight.

I do have a Polemaster - somewhere.  It's gone AWOL in a house move somehow.  I do however have a guidescope setup coming and the guide cam comes with a years sub to Sharpcap so will give that a go and try again.

But that's what I like about this hobby - you learn something every time you go out.  Whether you learn what you set out to or learn something completely unexpected through something going wrong it all adds to experience.

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I had this and similar problems when I started.  After reading some forum advice I adopted the routine of switching off my AZ-EQ6 mount and returning the mount to the home position after polar aligning. This resets the handset memory apparently,  although strictly this  shouldn't be necessary. Having returned the mount to the home position, switch it back on again, re-input the time data etc into the handset, skip the polar alignment (the mount axis is already aligned) and proceed to star alignment. 

Having said all that I often find the first alignment star is not visible in the eyepiece, although it's usually pretty close. 

I now control the mount via my laptop. But that's a whole new learning curve requiring in my case the installation of EQMOD, Cartes du Ciel planetarium software and the purchase and use of a  Lynx Astro FTDI EQDIR USB Adapter cable in place of the handset. 

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Right, we're getting somewhere and as suspected it is largely my own stupid fault.  So stupid in fact that I hardly dare share it but hey - we're all hear to learn :)

I had read the latitude scale completely wrong! I had it in increments of 1 and not 2 so had essentially set it to 56o instead of 53o.  Then, factoring in the fact that the actual scale itself is about as accurate as my reading of it and getting a declinometer on it shows a reading on the scope of around 50o.  So the errors combined mean I was a good 8o off.

Ah well, at least it's progress and when the clouds eventually part I will hopefully be able to get a much better star alignment this time and ultimately nail PA and begin imaging.  In the meantime I am reading 'the book' for a third time...

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Glad you sorted it! I disagree with a poster that it's better to use the polar scope rather than the handset with this mount.  I have found the PA routine on the handset to be extremely accurate and much less faffing about than trying to use the polarscope.  Just make sure the encoders are switched off when aligning.

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42 minutes ago, Owmuchonomy said:

Glad you sorted it! I disagree with a poster that it's better to use the polar scope rather than the handset with this mount.  I have found the PA routine on the handset to be extremely accurate and much less faffing about than trying to use the polarscope.  Just make sure the encoders are switched off when aligning.

I’ll give it a go when / if the clouds part. I have just dug out my very accurate inclinometer and it was still way off. 

Note to self. Ignore the scales pre-marked on a mount!

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1 hour ago, Owmuchonomy said:

Glad you sorted it! I disagree with a poster that it's better to use the polar scope rather than the handset with this mount.  I have found the PA routine on the handset to be extremely accurate and much less faffing about than trying to use the polarscope.  Just make sure the encoders are switched off when aligning.

Horses for courses I suppose. I tried the handset polar alignment on several occasions and it's always been a frustrating waste of time. The method is probably fine so it's probably me not understanding or following the procedure correctly. As I say, I now use the polar alignment method using polar scope and EQMOD which always gets it polar aligned close enough for guiding to get rid of any star trailing.  It's what works for you that's important I suppose. 

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Definite progress. I am now confident that the alignment routine works and the scope is in the ball park. Still a few things to iron out but at least I feel I am getting somewhere. 

Guidescope and cam come tomorrow so I can work on proper PA and I need to dig out my meaty 12v power supply as the one I am using just struggles under load. 

Whilst it is still proving somewhat frustrating at the moment I know it’s going to be worth it :)  


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Even when you use the synscan app. it is still very easy to miss-hit numbers into the hand set's - I've done all sorts - Non USA data format, wrong date, missing leading zero's forgetting plusses and minuses etc.  it's always worth a double check.

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14 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

If you do use the polar scope then make sure you centre and align it yourself. The reticle in mine is loose and wobbly and has been from the day I received it. I've never used though, got Polemaster.

Just wish I knew where my Polemaster was! Will be able to use my guidescope and SharpCap for now though and hopefully it’ll turn up :) 

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Woohoo - right I’m there. Got the mount roughly polar aligned and managed two star alignment. After that it was off and running - Goto seemed pretty spot on with targets ending up nice and central and then tracked well. 

Next up - sort out the imaging train, guidescope etc. All good fun :) 

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