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SGP doesn't want to start


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Just tried to start SGP after not using it for some time and get this message.

Bought and paid for it when it they discounted the update to get folks to test it.

Tried putting in name and password and it says that's wrong.




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Try deleting the PC that's registered online and re-registering it - it may be an algorithm that produces a code from your hardware setup, and if any hardware has changed then it means the 'code' is no longer valid.

I don't know, it's just a guess without reverse engineering it, which I can't do anyway!

Or, can you update the installation, then try again?

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Hi Jon, damn computers, the only thing that's changed since I last used it is Windows updates.

1 minute ago, Jonk said:

Or, can you update the installation, then try again?

This is what I was trying to do originally but can't update it if it won't start ?

Will try the SGP forum later.


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Dave, all your SGP settings are in the folder C:\Users\[NAME]\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator

The only two items that are important is the subfolder 'Sequence Generator Pro' which contains all your profiles and the file 'sg_ui_config.xml' which contains your program settings (layout etc.), but you may as well backup all the contents of the folder really as your Mosaic Cache may be useful too. :smile:




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2 minutes ago, symmetal said:

Dave, all your SGP settings are in the folder C:\Users\[NAME]\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator

The only two items that are important is the subfolder 'Sequence Generator Pro' which contains all your profiles and the file 'sg_ui_config.xml' which contains your program settings (layout etc.), but you may as well backup all the contents of the folder really as your Mosaic Cache may be useful too. :smile:




That's interesting Alan because one windows update stuffed my users folder and I had to make a new one so I may have lost the SGP settings.

Will have a look see what's in there



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14 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

The only thing in AppData\Local is Microsoft stuff no sign of SGP.


My AppData\Local is full of folders for non microsoft stuff. Was the Windows update done the early release version of Windows 10, vers 1809 which had a side effect of deleting personal data.


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Just now, symmetal said:

My AppData\Local is full of folders for non microsoft stuff. Was the Windows update done the early release version of Windows 10, vers 1809 which had a side effect of deleting personal data.


No it was just a quick windows update, the first thing I noticed was the loss of my Freecell data then digging deeper a few other things, didn't try SGP.

Followed online instructions to make a new User folder so probably did something wrong :rolleyes:


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6 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Looked in my imaging laptop where all is working fine and there is an SGP folder.

In this laptop there are upwards of 40 empty folders called Appdata :icon_scratch:


That doesn't look good unless there are 40+ user accounts for people who haven't done very much. :ohmy: 


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Been a while since I've looked, Dave, but I'm pretty sure you should be able to download the latest version from the website, and the installation should make and populate the missing folders.  If you don't uninstall the older version it should keep your settings if they are still there, which is doesn't look like they are, but you can save them from your working machine and import them.

Hope you get it sorted.

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3 hours ago, RayD said:

Hope you get it sorted.

Thanks Ray, haven't tried yet as it's not my imaging laptop so not urgent, must make an effort to do it.

I'm still not using SGP full time as we never seem to get enough clear sky to sort all it's nooks and crannies :grin:


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15 minutes ago, Jonk said:

If you can, put Windows 7 back on and just don't allow it to connect to the internet.

I doubt you need Windows 10 just for imaging?

Not using this laptop for imaging which is why I'm not rushing to fix it.

My imaging W10 laptop runs SGP etc fine as it's very rarely connected to internet thank goodness :grin:


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