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T R O N !


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My 15x70's have been hanging out the back window all day ( manfrotto + 222 ) fixed on a target feature some 4.5 miles away, in the hope of seeing some Raptors today?

I've just been in the room to pack it all away and nearly fell over, not  really a trip, but stunned by the sight of Ursa Major, full frontal, perfect position!

I haven't seen the Stars in 10 Days, and although I've not seen the movie TRON, I was just amazed at the amount of targets ( satellites ) that were wizzing, criss-crossing that part of the sky. Always amazes me the amount of stuff up there.

I'd like to set the scope up for a better view, but I don't think the weather is going to hold out for a decent session ( not checked forecast yet - but its windy, gusting ) but I may still look  again a little later with the bins.  I'm trying to see how many galaxies are now possible under the new  led street lighting with my bins!!!!

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28 minutes ago, Floater said:

Hope it works out well, Chas. ?

Happy New Year when it comes. ?

You too pal, hope your keeping well, best wishes to you and yours!

I needn't remind you just how bad the weathers been during 'our' astronomy seasons! but still enthusiastic enough to want more.

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Just came in from a 30 minutes  bino session, having found a gap in the clouds, and managed to see M81 & M82 with some  averted vision, but considering the sodiums would not  allow me to see this before, there's definitely an improvement here,  now that the garden is more shielded and darker.

Just need to try the same with the scope, but its windy cold  just now, so maybe another night soon!

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On 31/12/2018 at 19:01, Charic said:

I'm trying to see how many galaxies are now possible under the new  led street lighting with my bins!!!!

Pity I don't have the inclination to setup my scope tonight, it looks perfect up there, but  isnt it  just typical, as I have a planned early start in the morning, back to work after the festive season, but given another 15-20 mins I might have been to see  M31 with my own eyes, not been able to do that before, such is the  visual difference between the old sodium and new led street lights. 

I still have my own issues with regards to my good neighbours just carrying on with their lives, but its like a Christmas tree tonight, with all the lights coming on and off, particularly from the security lights and bathroom visits. The higher the light, the greater the intrusion!
My garden has better shielding now, and as long as I stay low, the stray lighting is not the issue it was before.

Anyhow, I  laid on a sleeper bench for about 15-20 mins, then just as Nu Andromeda was becoming visible, my own bathroom light  came on, agghhhhh!  blinded!  

I'm sure I would have seen M31 given a little more time once my eyes were dark adapted, possibly with some aversion maybe, but clearly  demonstrating to me that there's a mighty improvement in what I can see, and should be able to see, given time and having the right conditions, but there's always another night to look forward too, and  possibly more time.

I finished off  just be scanning the sky with my 8x40's and everything looked so sharp tonight!

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