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A quick blast at M42


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Depression, illness, a 6 yo and various other annoyances that has meant life getting in the way of fun means I get very little sky time. My illness in particular saps my stength so by early evening I am heading for bed more often than not. 

However I am determined to do more astronomy - I am fortunate to have some fantastic gear - so I’ve slowly been getting everything checked over. 

Went to let the dog out tonight though and what a sky! Very little cloud, nice and mild and for once few of my neighbours had their outdoor lights on. Orion was there clear as I’ve ever seen him in my light polluted skies. 

Unfortunately my scopes are still not ready to be set up but I couldn’t pass the opportunity so grabbed the bins (Pentax 10x50’s - lovely things) and spent a while drinking in M42. Even at such low magnification the detail was there. Faint whisps against an inky black sky and the bright main stars of the trapezium blazing bright. 

Then a quick scan around the sky just getting lost for a few minutes in the hundreds of stars that were visible. A rare treat indeed at the moment. 

I am down for an operation which will hopefully get me back to some kind of normality but in the meantime I’m going to grab these opportunities as and when I can, however brief, and enjoy them. I’ll get the scopes all ready to go as well - some decent looking skies forecast for later on in the week and try and at least get an hour in here and there

Dark skies all and enjoy them - even if you can’t spend long under them. 

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5 hours ago, Astro Imp said:

Nice to read you had some good skies and managed to enjoy them.
Good luck with the operation, hope it enables you to fully enjoy our great hobby.
Just as an aside, where are you located to be enjoying clear skies?

Sheffield. Was a stunning sky at around 8-830. Completely still Air also. The clouds were there but low down on the horizon - my entire sight line was as perfect as it could be. 

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