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Show me your eyepiece/accessories case, please.


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9 hours ago, Stu said:

Lovely cases all, quite jealous making having owned many of those eyepieces in the past. Needs must though, and this is my genuinely minimalist eyepiece case ;)

It has a full set of BGOs, 7mm and 10.5mm Meade RG Orthos, 24mm Panoptic and a 3 to 6mm Nag zoom. Finally there is a Baader VIP Barlow and a Zeiss Abbe Barlow. Most bases covered really, although obviously the Orthos are only 42 degree afov so I'm out of the wide field game currently.

The Orthos do give lovely sharp views though, and I tend to end up barlowing the 12.5mm or 9mm rather than using the shorter focal length eyepieces, although if I need very high power then the 5mm can also be barlowed.

Outside this, I have my Baader Mark IV binoviewer, AP Barcon and extenders plus Zeiss 25mm Orthos, mainly for solar white light use. I've yet to find a sharper combination than the Zeiss', even barlowed at x3 or x4 they have been sharper than other options I've tried.


Still got plenty of quality glass in your collection though Stu :)

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6 hours ago, Stu said:

Thanks Nick. Yep, what there is left is good stuff :) 

That's a very interesting case Stu. Most of us talk about 'rationalising' our bloated EP case but you actually do it. Are you sure you've not forgotten to list a Leica zoom or some such eyepiece? 

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6 hours ago, Highburymark said:

That's a very interesting case Stu. Most of us talk about 'rationalising' our bloated EP case but you actually do it. Are you sure you've not forgotten to list a Leica zoom or some such eyepiece? 

Thanks Mark.

Unfortunately the Leica and Docter have found new homes (very good ones as it happens), so this is me for the moment. I shall 'restock' in future though :)

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Slight change, as I added a 2" dielectric diagonal. I already had a 2" Amici prism, and the Denkmeier Filter-Switch diagonal, but the latter doesn't reach focus with the APM 80mm triplet, and the former does work that well at high magnification.


The EPs (top to bottom, left to right) are:

A Vixen LVW 42mm, TV Nagler 31T5, 22T4, and 17T4, TV Delos 14mm, TV Nagler 12T4, Pentax XW10, TV Delos 8mm, and Pentax XW7 and XW5.

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9 hours ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

And there still is some financially hazardous empty space ;)

Nice addition Michael - can never have too many diagonals. 

As far as the case goes, I make that room for three more Delos/XWs on row five, and that's before we even start thinking about how to fill the as yet non-existent row six 

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Just now, Highburymark said:

Nice addition Michael - can never have too many diagonals. 

As far as the case goes, I make that room for three more Delos/XWs on row five, and that's before we even start thinking about how to fill the as yet non-existent row six 

Maybe Al Nagler could design a range of orthos with 20mm eye relief? Case complete!

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8 minutes ago, Highburymark said:

Maybe Al Nagler could design a range of orthos with 20mm eye relief?

I think the Radians were intended to be that eyepiece :icon_biggrin:

Thats treating orthoscopic as an optical characteristic rather than a specific optical design.


Nice casefull Michael :icon_salut:

My diagonals seem to stay on the ends of my refractors - just as well probably as there's no room for them in the eyepiece cases ! :rolleyes2:


Edited by John
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9 hours ago, Highburymark said:

Maybe Al Nagler could design a range of orthos with 20mm eye relief? Case complete!

Orthoscopic view means no CA, no distortion (straight lines keep straight and same spacing throughout the FOV), which is not compatible with wide FOV.

Even with the narrow FOV as plossl, which could be orthoscopic, Al has choosen to have more distortion (and even slight FC) for correcting astigmasm for fast scopes, according to his plossl patent


here's the relevant text in the patent:

"For astronomical viewing, pupil aberrations and geometric distortions are not as important as the correction of coma and astigmatism which control image sharpness at the edge of the field."

"In carrying out the invention, there is provided a symmetrical eyepiece comprising two achromatic doublets in which the external surfaces of the flint elements are concave. Such a lens configuration provides a significant improvement in the correction of astigmatism and coma at the edge of the field. This results in a sharper image for large field angles with a relatively small undercorrected field curvature."

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Isn't there something in optics design that says: here are the three aberrations - CA, Coma, Astigmatism - I can fix two of them, choose which two?

Still some nice cases coming along, however, I feel that everyone should have 12 eyepieces, so that can be evenly distributed across rows and columns in many configurations.

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9 hours ago, Highburymark said:

Not meant as in any way feasible suggestion - but as ever with SGL I've learnt something from the expert responses

No worry :smiley: we can have our wishes,just want you not to be too disaapointed when the wishes don't come true.

11 hours ago, rockystar said:

Isn't there something in optics design that says: here are the three aberrations - CA, Coma, Astigmatism - I can fix two of them, choose which two?

Maybe some more enlightened folk said that, I'm not remotely optical designer, what I understand is therefore a little more aberrations than that, Spherical aberrations is top-priority for correcting, since it affect whole FOV, Coma are second since its unsysmetry affect double-star measurement, and then CA. Astigmatism is more difficult to correct, might need to compromise with FC, SAEP(Spherical Aberration of the Exit Pupil), distortions etc.:smiley:

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Hello. Thought I would put up a pic of my little case that I mainly use with the refractor .






This case is mainly plossl and Ortho based. No extra wides or extreme eye relief eyepieces here. Just good old basics that seem to work well in my refractor and produce great views from basic glass.

Included is the 2" William Optics dielectric diagonal. A old Japan televue 1.8x barlow. Televue plossl in 40 , 32, 15 , 10.5 ,8. . An older Japan vixen 7.5mm plossl. Starting to get a few baader genuine Orthos , so a 18mm and 7mm in these. And more recently acquired is the 6mm Fujiyama Ortho ,and the very rare I understand Research Grade meade Ortho in 4mm. No fancy glass , just decent quality that works IMO?

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Hi, this is my little case! 


I own a f/6 20 cm (~8") Dobsonian telescope. 

30 mm: 40X, AFOV 68°, FOV 1.7°, pupil 5 mm

20 mm: 60X, AFOV 70° , FOV 1.16°, pupil 3,35 mm

12 mm:  100X, AFOV 52°, FOV 0.52°, pupil 2 mm

9 mm: 133X, AFOV 52°, FOV 0.39°, pupil 1.5 mm

5 mm (planetary) : 240X, AFOV 60°, FOV 0.25, pupil 0.83 mm

There are both the 1.25" and 2" versions of the OIII filter... I use the bigger one to observe large nebulae as the Veil Nebula with the 30mm eyepiece. I used it also with my boyfriend's 38 mm eyepiece.

Modest but I think it meets my needs :icon_biggrin:


Edited by Stargzalex
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On 04/09/2016 at 14:05, DRT said:

Nice case :smile:

Interesting that you have both the 32mm and 40mm TV Plossls given that they both give exactly the same field of view.

Do you have particular uses for each of them?


Hi Derek. The 40 and 32 mm  televue. Original the 40mm came up for sale and I had nothing in the lower magnification at that time. And the price was very good also, so could not resist the temptation to buy☺. Then the 32mm came up for sale a few Months later second hand, and so again nothing in that range of quality at that time(now have a 28mm uwan). But around that time I was also seriously thinking about getting into binoviewing(managed to get the TS Binos from yourself later down the line), and lots of people seem to rate the 32mm televue for Binos . So luckily a couple of days ago I also managed to secure another TV 32mm. So now already to pair up at 32mm tv. 

As a collectionist, it's a good job I do not have to pair up Naglers or ethos or alike, otherwise I think Mr bank manager would be calling me in for a word? 

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5 minutes ago, Timebandit said:

... I think Mr bank manager would be calling me in for a word? 

They don't do that any more. They just send a letter telling you how much they've taken from your account ... but there's no eyepiece arriving to 'balance' the astro account. ??

TV 32 paired up looks good. ?

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24 minutes ago, Timebandit said:


Hi Derek. The 40 and 32 mm  televue. Original the 40mm came up for sale and I had nothing in the lower magnification at that time. And the price was very good also, so could not resist the temptation to buy☺. Then the 32mm came up for sale a few Months later second hand, and so again nothing in that range of quality at that time(now have a 28mm uwan). But around that time I was also seriously thinking about getting into binoviewing(managed to get the TS Binos from yourself later down the line), and lots of people seem to rate the 32mm televue for Binos . So luckily a couple of days ago I also managed to secure another TV 32mm. So now already to pair up at 32mm tv. 

As a collectionist, it's a good job I do not have to pair up Naglers or ethos or alike, otherwise I think Mr bank manager would be calling me in for a word? 

Ah, now I completely understand :grin:

The 40mm was the fist TV Plossl I bought. I then completed the set and found out that the 32mm and 40mm have the same FOV so came to the conclusion that I had no use for the 40mm. It seems you are only part way down that road :lol:

Both are great eyepieces, but I'm not sure why one would have both.

The 32mm's are fantastic in binos, but you might want to consider the eyepiece extenders to give you a more comfortable eye placement :wink:


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