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Cool - I am looking forward to getting it. I don't have a problem with short eye relief and suspect it will be more comfy than a 15mm plossl which was always OK in truth. Always had a soft spot for Panoptics, maybe even my much used 17.3 Delos might be at risk via the 19mm!

The Panoptic's fabulous, but not fab enough to dislodge a 17.3 Delos (which is probably my single favourite eyepiece, though am slowly absorbing the charm of the Ethos 13).

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The Panoptic's fabulous, but not fab enough to dislodge a 17.3 Delos (which is probably my single favourite eyepiece, though am slowly absorbing the charm of the Ethos 13).

If I ever find myself in a position where I have to sell my kit the Ethos 13mm will be the last thing to go. It was the first Ethos I purchased and I don't think I have ever pointed it at any target in any scope and been disappointed. A real gem :cool:

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If I ever find myself in a position where I have to sell my kit the Ethos 13mm will be the last thing to go. It was the first Ethos I purchased and I don't think I have ever pointed it at any target in any scope and been disappointed. A real gem :cool:

I may well come round to your way of thinking Derek when I've had chance to use the Ethos more in dark skies. But it's going to have to prove itself against the Delos to which I have become emotionally attached. We have shared too many memorable nights together.

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I don't know if you ever read any of my comments about Ethos and Delos but I used to have all the Delos range and most of the Ethos range, only the two shortest ones missing. I got tired of trying to find differences between them so sold most of the Delos, the Ethos being better in my Dobsonian scope from a nudge point of view. I really couldn't see anything better, deeper, clearer or less scatter. Which ever you have it is very difficult to better them, maybe you need to be in Namibia or somewhere like that.


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The 13mm sounds great.

Is the Ethos 21mm any good?


It's rubbish Paul - don't bother with it :grin:


Seriously, I have the 21, 13, 8, 6 and 4.7mm and have used the 10mm and 17mm. They are all superb unless you i) wear glasses when observing or ii) dislike hyper-wide views.

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Happily I am not tempted by the mighty Ethos line. I compared Olly's 13mm to my Nagler 12T4 and the Type 4 Nagler was far more comfortable for me with my glasses. Conditions weren't great, so differences in sharpness were hard to determine, but the eye relief of the Ethos is just a mm or so shy of what I need at minimum. As the Nikon NAV-HW has 16mm eye relief, I do feel tempted by them.

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Happily I am not tempted by the mighty Ethos line. I compared Olly's 13mm to my Nagler 12T4 and the Type 4 Nagler was far more comfortable for me with my glasses. Conditions weren't great, so differences in sharpness were hard to determine, but the eye relief of the Ethos is just a mm or so shy of what I need at minimum. As the Nikon NAV-HW has 16mm eye relief, I do feel tempted by them.

Michael. Re the eye relief. I have an old set of glasses only slightly off prescription but I use them solely for the Nikon as they sit very flush to the eye socket giving me maybe 2 or 3 mm of extra ER. So when using the Nikon is in the focuser it really does help in giving you that falling in feeling. 

FWIW I recently had a new set of glasses made up for viewing only to complement that pair, the difference is they are vari-focal as I need the near to viewing for reading charts etc. They too give me a little extra ER (not as much as the others, maybe 2mm at most) but also the centre has been lowered by a couple of millimetre to give me a slightly larger viewing area in the upper lens. 


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Michael. Re the eye relief. I have an old set of glasses only slightly off prescription but I use them solely for the Nikon as they sit very flush to the eye socket giving me maybe 2 or 3 mm of extra ER. So when using the Nikon is in the focuser it really does help in giving you that falling in feeling. 

FWIW I recently had a new set of glasses made up for viewing only to complement that pair, the difference is they are vari-focal as I need the near to viewing for reading charts etc. They too give me a little extra ER (not as much as the others, maybe 2mm at most) but also the centre has been lowered by a couple of millimetre to give me a slightly larger viewing area in the upper lens. 


I might actually just go for the NAV-SW or Delos. My wide field range is covered nicely by the 31T5, 22T4, and 17T4, at the shorter end I find the 70 deg offered by the XWs enough. Replacing the 12T4 with Delos 12 and 14 will fill the gap nicely. They would mainly be used for small galaxies and planetary nebulae.

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I might actually just go for the NAV-SW or Delos. My wide field range is covered nicely by the 31T5, 22T4, and 17T4, at the shorter end I find the 70 deg offered by the XWs enough. Replacing the 12T4 with Delos 12 and 14 will fill the gap nicely. They would mainly be used for small galaxies and planetary nebulae.

Don't forget the Nikon Nav17HW gives you two EP's for one with the EIC 14 corrector. :hello2:

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Ouch ! This is what happens when you put your ep case on something that gave way on the shed floorattachicon.gifimage.jpeg

Perhaps we'd better not start a thread on "Show us your disasters !",


wouldn't worry, all looks like tat anyway  :hiding:  :grin:

I'll get me coat 

Edited by bomberbaz
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Binocase revision umpteen!


I've added my Celestron 32mm Plossl in a correspondingly big square hole, proving that round eyepieces will fit in square holes!


Although for normal cyclops stargazing I prefer my 32mm TeleVue Plossl, this Celestron (originally from the Celestron Eyeopener Kit) still rocks. Due to being disabled and consequently inherently lazy (lol), I tend to just take the one bino case out for bino sessions. As I usually have to reposition my chair back in front of the diagonal after finding the target with the RACI (in a seated position) the 32mm with its low power wide kick-ass view is useful to re-acquire the target before I place the set-up bino unit in the diagonal (I have to sit on a ground sheet to thread or place anything into the bino before insertion into the diagonal). I like to make sure everything is tightened up and secure before insertion as I can only effectively utilise my left hand to manipulate everything. Plus, it seemed a shame to leave the Celestron 32mm Plossl gathering dust on a shelf, and nobody likes to be left on the shelf! 

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I don't know if you ever read any of my comments about Ethos and Delos but I used to have all the Delos range and most of the Ethos range, only the two shortest ones missing. I got tired of trying to find differences between them so sold most of the Delos, the Ethos being better in my Dobsonian scope from a nudge point of view. I really couldn't see anything better, deeper, clearer or less scatter. Which ever you have it is very difficult to better them, maybe you need to be in Namibia or somewhere like that.



You were an inspiration behind my Delos purchases a year or so ago - and now I've added the Ethos 13 and the Leica zoom, I am going through the same comparison process that you have obviously spent a long time going through. I change my opinions as to which is best on a nightly basis, though I've only had a fleeting chance to test the Ethos under darker skies, where it performed superbly. But it's all fun and fascinating, and I'm very grateful for all the advice and intelligence I've picked up from SGL over the past 18 months.

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The one and only dedicated eyepiece case I have is the little Peli 1040, I think it's intended for smartphones.

I use it to keep my Nikon eyepieces, tiny 23mm things, safe and secure as in the Nikon binoviewer head the performance is superb.

Best Regards





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