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There's no green and black in my EP case (yet). I went for a nice set Pentax XW's for a number of reasons.

I have an f/4.7 scope so wanted something that could cope. Having had an 82° Meade, a 60° Vixen and a 68° Hyperion and after looking through some of MarkC's Naglers at SGL5 I realised that I prefer the 68 - 70° field to the wider 80°+ fields. I also don't really like the golden hue the TV's give. I wear glasses to observe, so long eye relief is a must. The Panoptic range don't have quite the focal lengths I was looking for and Radians are a bit narrow. The Delos look very nice, but I want a full set of something from high to low power and they don't have all the models out yet.

The XW's ticked more boxes than anything else and I have not been disappointed. I still don't think I will get a 5mm XW, but a 2.5x Powermate will find it's way into my box before too long. The 7mm XW works very well with even a cheapo SW barlow.

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Lovely collection Stu, a really good set of usable ranges. But do you find you 28mm a big too close to the holey hand grenade?

Well said Rob, you summed up a lot of the feelings I have about TV.

Mark you hit the nail on the head about a frac and the TV eyepieces ;) Brings a smile to my face just looking at the set up, let alone through it...!

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Mmm that would be nice ;)

I am thinking more along the lines of a 127mm ED doublet @ f/7.5 but far more expensive (more a lifelong wish) :)

My "dream scope" is a Vixen ED150 F/9 doublet. One came up for sale last year (there only a handful in the UK) but the timing was wrong and I just didn't have the readies :)

I think it's new owner is a member here though so there is hope yet I guess ;)

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{Lovely collection Stu, a really good set of usable ranges. But do you find you 28mm a big too close to the holey hand grenade?}

It's a good point, but I do use it in the mak where it gives a nice x142 medium power. Sure it will come in handy for future scopes.

I actually have the 2.5T6 and the 41mm Panoptic up for sale on AB & S at the moment to raise some funds as I don't use them enough. Really don't want to let the pana go but.....

The 31mm nagler in the 106mm EDT is a wonderful combination. 3.6° field with lovely contrast and pin sharp stars right across. Was viewing the double cluster with this combination at PSP when a shooting star went right through the field ;):), pretty special.


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Just found this review. I bought this very scope as an ex demo from Altair Astro a few years ago. Have only just realised that it was Steppenwolf who reviewed it. It's a fabulous scope, although the focuser is playing up and needs adjustment. I guess my thoughts were that a model produced for reviewing would have had careful QC on it optically and it has proved to be very good.



Edited by BigMakStutov
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... I guess my thoughts were that a model produced for reviewing would have had careful QC on it optically and it has proved to be very good.69.....

Thats very shrewd Stu ;)

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Well I can vouch for Maplins flight case being up to the job. The case that is not the strap! I don't know where some members got they are flimsy from as mine stood up to a small fall last night. Thankfully the grass hasn't been cut over winter so that added to a cushioning effect but everything stood up to the fall well. Have to say if it had been full of Nags I think I would be in intensive care right now. Needless to say I put too much faith into the stupid strap they put on these cases and attempted to carry 2 things at once paying the price of the strap slipping out the buckle and a boot and a dewed up patch of grass later I have a magnifying glass going over every mm of my EP's checking there OK. Just glad it didn't give way at the top of the communal stairs. They really shouldn't put a strap on these things if it's not up to the task.

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Thanks Alan. It's funny as all I could think at the time was thank god I didn't have the Nags. The collection I have now would be a lot easier to replace but thankfully it was money well spent on the case. But it did make me wonder where you would stand had there been a few ££££'s worth of camera gear in there ? After all they put a strap on the case that is clearly not up to the job. OK the foam may dampen the impact so as nothing gets broken but electronics in a camera might not fair so well ??

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I know what you felt like Nick! My ethos slipped out of the 1.25" tal diagonal and fell with a large thud onto (thank the lord) soft wet grass, about a meter to the side was paving slabs!

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I know what you felt like Nick! My ethos slipped out of the 1.25" tal diagonal and fell with a large thud onto (thank the lord) soft wet grass, about a meter to the side was paving slabs!

You are a brave person trusting the mighty Ethos to a setscrew 1.25" diagonal ;)

I observer mostly from a patio so I'm not going to follow your lead I'm afraid ;)

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Probably a fine line between your opinion of my bravenesss and my knowing of stupidity ;)

Sometimes the lure of the ethos is just too much! That and the revelation quartz diagonal you recommended is taking an age to get here.

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those led's are a great idea

Here is my case it is a revelation photo visual set.

the revelation eye pieces have white tops and the standard skywatcher ones have black tops.

I labeled them all up with their magnifications for my scope, but within a few minuets of using them the caps were all over the place :)

I think I will need a bigger case as I have ordered a couple of BST's as well now.

In fact I have been thinking of getting a larger case that could also house everything I need including a SLA battery for the scope.


Edited by j45on
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