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Quantum Physics


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Watched this on TV from Youtube last night.  Really interesting.  I really like Jim Al-Kallili.  Crazy how the electron when fired through the slits can be in two places at the same time and that the Copenhagen Interpretation is proved to be the correct one.


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Interestingly all interpretations of QM use the same mathematics to make predictions and so can't be separated by experiment. Interpretations are largely a matter of taste or philosophy.

In addition electrons are never observed to be in two places at once.

Regards Andrew 

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  • daz changed the title to Quantum Physics

Steve, thanks for the link. I thoroughly enjoyed that. (I did notice his slightly contrived use of the term 'aspect' in the run up to the section on entanglement and expected Alain Aspect would be making an appearance! :icon_mrgreen:)

Just out of interest, the original double slit experiment of Thomas Young greatly predates the version with electrons and was performed in 1801.

However, Ernest Hemingway said of the short story that the most important bits were the bits you left out. I think that Jim Al-Kalili did a brilliant job of leaving out pretty well everything that he could leave out in order to produce an introduction digestible in the stomachs of the non specialist!

As a former teacher I could weep to think of how, given the time and resources to prepare properly, I could have produced so much better lessons. A budget of a few hundred thousand, a film crew, an editor, a producer a graphic designer... I wouldn't have been asking for much!


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