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Binos on a Sumerian Alkaid 12"

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Nicoscy, not sure how you ever got out of the binoviewer game, but if you had to drop some coin on something for visual, binos is certainly the ticket.  I'm a really big value researcher, and for value, versatility and fit/finish, I highly recommend the Denkmeier Binotron 27s.  On mine, I have both the filter switch, which holds two filters of either 1.25" or 48 mm, which you can slide in and out, and the power switch, which allows you to switch three different magnifications.

Stu, I have the Denkmeier OCS 45. I don't mind the slight magnification effect of it and with it, the lowest power on the bino's "power switch" is a 1.3 X effect.  With the two pairs of eyepieces that I utilize with the binos, I have fields of view that I'm pretty happy with.  It's no 2.5° TFOV, but then again, I'm talking use on a newt.  I'm waiting for my refractor to come as I'm on a waitlist, but I can't wait to see the views with the binos in that.

Having said that, if I wanted to dial the magnification further down than the OCS will afford with my current eyepieces, I would just get longer focal length eyepieces.  I am using Baader 24 mm Hyperions right now (68°) and Meade 12mm HD60s (60°).  IMO I think it's a sweet spot with the binos for the power switch's 1.3x to 3x range of effect.  

All said, it's interesting to understand what the OCS is actually doing a little better.


Edited by BillyBoyBoy
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Good stuff Bill. I had an Earthwin Power and filter switch and enjoyed using it. It's a shame you have to refocus when using the power switches.

I use Baader Zeis Mark IVs and Zeiss 25mm Orthos (actually ex microscope eyepieces) and the work brilliantly, they will Barlow to crazy levels.

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Hey, if having to refocus is the worst of it, that's not bad. Actually, I like coming into focus when I change magnification, because it's like a surprise on what I'm going to see at a higher magnification. It's like a little added wow factor, like a reveal.

On my 16" dob, I found that swapping the focuser out for one with 2.5" of travel allowed me to focus on all three power switch settings. Before the swap, I could focus to two settings, but I would have to pull out or push in for the third one. Now that was a hassle. I asked about getting the focuser swapped with the Alkaid, but it didn't sound like that was something they were willing to accommodate.

Having said that, I understand that the stock focuser is a Moonlite and it's low-profile and lighter weight, which will help with the top-heaviness that I will be adding with the binos.

Still, it is nice to be able to get all three settings and focus without having to move to binos up and down.

Speaking of Barlow, on a crystal clear night and the seeing is in rare form, I have taken a 2X Powermate and put it in line with the binos, set the power switch to 3x, and put the 12 mm in for eyepieces. In my 16" dob, it's something ridiculous like 900x, and with excellent seeing, gets pretty outrageous magnification on planets. Of course it also sticks out about two feet out of the side of the scope! I can pull that off about twice a year with seeing around here.


Edited by BillyBoyBoy
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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, folks... I pulled the trigger.  I'm getting the Sumerian Alkaid 12" f/5 with standard glass!! Woot!

Since I'm a yank, I have to get it through Teleskop Service, but I reached out directly to Michael with Sumerian and asked about the chances of getting a focuser with 2.5" of travel to accommodate my binos. He said as long as I was good with Moonlite, he could order those for my scope when he builds it. Sweet! Big credit to him for being so accommodating.

Looks like I'll be getting it hopefully sometime in the spring. I'm getting the digital setting circles kit, which he installs when he builds. 

One question... has anyone ever done white light solar with an Alkaid 12"?  I know I'll be doing it with an off axis mask, but I was wondering if anyone's had some experience with any specific hardware that fits the scope well and seems to be a winning choice.

From the looks of it online, the OTA end is a flat plate rather than a tube, so I'm wondering if a homemade mask with some glass or film will be my choice. 


Edited by BillyBoyBoy
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  • 10 months later...

Hello, all.  I got the scope, messed with it, and decided to write about it, but it turned into a review of sorts.  So I decided to start a new thread...


It's been really rainy and cold here, so I've had some time to put together a doozy of a post!


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