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Tonight I have mostly been processing...


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Here's the latest procees of the M42-M43-NGC1977 data from Tuesday Night.

This time i uses x2 drizzle when stacking in DSS then reduced the fiels to 16bit layered and cropped before doing all the usual stuff...

Is it heading the right way ?


(click to enlarge)

I have gone against my recent trend to go for the black sky bright neb look...


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I now appoint you the title fo SGL official M42 HDR master :-) You should make a large prints of your M42 and give aways as presents. A3+ prints are the (only) advantage (as I see it) we DSLR images have over those cool little astro cams... We pay in blood sweat and hundreds of extra exposures :-)

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The old landing pigeon, can't beat it.

Ha ha - never noticed that before - now I'm going to see it every time I look at an M42 image... :)


I suppose it depends on which way up it's presented: not so obvious in its usual orientation with North at the top. But I'm thinking: the North-to-left view looks better on monitors perhaps... Very nice image in any case! :)
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Landing Pigeon....obvious when it's pointed out....it'll never be the same again :)

Focus, colours and framing are top-notch but for me it's a bit too dark...not the neb itself but the surroundings. There's a lot of interesting data tucked away there that I reckon you could bring out.

Great work though Billy...how long have you spent processing this so far?



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Pigeon... LMAO.. never noticed it before, its even got an eye! M42 will never be the same in my head again. Thanks Dave for the enlightenment :)


ps... there's even a 'running man' as if he's being chased by the thing!

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Hi Robing I used Drizzle stackign in DSS so each sub stack is 300 MB+ in 32 bit i then had to drop thes 6K+ x 4K+ images to 16 bit to be able to get all 7 layers and the blank 7k x 5k worksheet into CS at the same time even the quad core 4 GB fast Ram 1.5 TB of fast disk machine was creaking a bit think i might have to go 64 bit OS with a lot more ram..

I then work on the individual layers whilst i can see all the others on screen at the same time balancing background colours etc before bringign the layers togethere and manually aligning them. adjsutignthe B&C of individual layers etc to abalnce the image then I merge them down and crop.

Then its all he normal stuff... and some other stuff i'm playing with at the moment :)

I guess I have spent about 4 hours so far but I havent posted the latest as there wont be anymore now until its finished...

Vega I do have a more "natural" image with a lighter background and thats the one i'm working on at the moment...

This Black sky one was designed to get some feedback.. which it has done...

Apart form this and the HHN Flame widefield I havent looked at the other data yet and got 2 clear nights to come..

I'm tempted to do a very deep HHN Flame - 4 hours + data posiblly 3 at ISO 800 and 1 at 1600 and my first proper go at the rosette... and possibly a cluster crescendo... so a sleepless weekend onthe cards...


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