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M45 and muck 28th Oct


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Whilst waiting for HH to rise above our hedge I got 3 hours of data on M45

ED80 with 0.8 reducer/ff. QHY8 36x5mins with IDAS filter.

My QHY chip is getting muckier and muckier and this was the worst image up until the horsehead which followed. When I look at the chip it appears pristine. It iced up recently and I wonder if this has left some deposits or even damaged the chip. Will send a sub to Bern for analysis. Anyway, it made processing a nightmare. I had to clone out all the rubbish in the stars and nebulosity. For the background I just upped the black level to match that of the normal background brightness using curves and that sort of did the job.

The QHY 8 takes forever compared to my old H9 :) Couldn't use my QSI because it would have bloomed to oblivion


(click to enlarge)

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Beautiful Martin. Nebulosity is awesome but what really grabs is the black background and fantastic star colours. Has to be a candidate for POTW :)

Oh and it's now my desktop image of the week. An image to finally topple Ben's superb double cluster from my desktop.

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It always gets me Martin on how good imaging equipment is at picking up splodges and dust that we cant see with our naked eye, its a pain too when it doesnt matter how much you carefully clean the equipment the splodges and dust seem to remain......

You have done a fine job with processing though, your M45 looks fine on my screen......nice image


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A very fine image regardless of the problems Martin.

Are you happy with the QHY generally?

I ended up selling my 16HRC because of the lack of sensitivity compared to the 16HR but am considering a QHY8 for widefield.



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Thanks everyone, it was certainly hard work getting rid of the dust. I will try to post an uncleaned image.

Rob, the QHY8 is a great camera. The sensitivity is ok and the QE data is good, just wish Sony made this chip without the bayer matrix!

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