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Review of International Astronomy Show 2018


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I attended this years IAS on Friday 12 October. Got there for 9am.


Attendance was pretty low, people still at work, plus I imagine the horrendous weather probably put many off. Heavy rain on the hall roof was quite intense at times!


I was more interested in the vendor stands that the lectures, went to 'window shop' for the future, planning to upgrade some kit next year with any luck.


You can look at kit in magazines and online, but there comes a time when you just have to go and see things in the flesh to get a real idea of what will work best.


Decided I was only going to look and not buy at this stage, but still ended up spending £30 on a couple of 'essential' items I could not do without!


A few suggestions for anyone planning to go in the future:


1. If your looking for a bargain, make a list of things might find, before hand and stick to your budget!


2. Take a shoulder bag of some sort to hold all the free brochures you will acquire, along with any small items you buy.


3. Smartphone/pen and paper to make notes about anything that catches your eye. Or take pics with Smartphone!


4. Tape measure is essential! Will that bit of kit fit in your observatory/store shed/back of car, if you going to take it home.


Only downside was the Restaurant, food options were a bit 'basic'. Coffee was average at best and 'plastic' tea was never a favorite!


No doubt I will be at the show in 2019!

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I went on Saturday with a couple of mates. It was actually a really useful day for all of us. I spent way too much money but that was sort of 'in the plan' anyway ?

The lecture by Paddy ( who could not make it for personal reasons) was replaced by Peter Jenkins and was very enjoyable. It was interesting to see how someone else approaches their image processing. 

I ended up getting a present for my son (a small piece of the Chelyabinsk meteor), who went crazy when he got it and I shows him a video of it coming to earth!

I spent a lot of time chatting on most of the stands, but needed to get some business sorted with Altair and the Pegasus Astro Guys so I probably spent most of my time there and more than likely drove Ian, Evangelos and Angelos round the bend. But I can't thank them enough for all their help and fantastic customer service!

I will agree with the comment above, the food range was, putting it very politely, limited and left a lot to be desired. 

But all in all a good day out and I will be back again next year (if my bank account has recovered ?).

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