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For much of the evening the sky above us was crystal clear with the Milky Way bright, M31 an easy naked eye target and nebulae like the North America showing crisply without aid. Unfortunately the sky below us was an opaque lake of thick white cotton wool filling the valley, a classic case of temperature inversion. This lake would sink lower, reverse, rise again, sink again - all very inspiring to watch until it would rise too high and surround us, at which point we couldn't see it any more because we were in it! This dissuaded me and our guests from buckling down to any imaging so we just chatted and looked up in the good spells. There was a remarkable amount of meteor activity, though none of us could remember what shower it might be. It was, of course, the Draconids on display, and very fine they were. Several were downright spectacular and at times were coming in at about one a minute. 

So no photons captured but an enjoyable evening none the less.


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