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Andromeda last night

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Hello All.

I've been imaging/getting my head round Astrophotography now for over a year, the advice I received on this forum has helped immeasurably - even if it was advice I didn't really like to hear!

I understand that this image isn't APOD standard, but to me it is a real leap forward in terms of quality and learning for myself.

Please, would someone with more knowledge (not hard! :)) look at the images and CC them. FITS attached also.

My equipment and data for this image

William Optics Zenithstar 71

Skywatcher EQ5 mount 

ZWO ASI 178 MC uncooled


100 x 60 second subs - unguided

30 flats

30 bias

30 dark

shot in Astrophotography tool and processed in Astropixel processor/Photoshop

Thanks for any advice or CC

Andromeda 06102018.jpg


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The only thing I could add to try and help is to take some data that under exposes the core.
Then use layers in photoshop to mask/bring through the other data as required.
Easier said than done I know. Andromeda is notoriously hard to get right - do we ever?!

All the best



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