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The Skywatcher Evostar ED150 focuser and Click-Lock test.

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Rather than add this test to my original thread regarding the scope findings I started a new thread here to describe my findings and measurements using a Baader M56 Click-Lock.  Unlike other SW ED Pro offerings, the focuser unit that is supplied with the new SW ED 150 has no provision for rotation during use.  In addition, I noticed that despite there being a total of 142mm of travel in the draw tube, the majority of my EPs focus at the near end of travel and I was concerned there may be a lack of in-focus provision.

I contacted @FLO and asked them for technical details of the Baader M56 Click-Lock particularly the loss of in-focus during use. (I have previously owned a similar device for use with a 9.25" SCT which adds ease of use, a rotation facility and superb security to all attachments).  FLO very kindly reciprocated and provided one for testing.  Here I present some results of that test.



Essentially, use of the Click-Lock with EPs (+/- a TV Powermate) results in a loss of 12.5mm of in-focus.  For the EPs tested here that was not an issue.  The stock SW focuser comes with a 2"adapter with two grip screws and a locking ring.  Please note that removal of the locking ring when using the Click-Lock does not assist with reducing loss of in-focus since the Click-Lock internal flange sets before reaching the locking ring.

You can see that my ES 14mm EP inserted into the 2X Powermate was the only combination that did not reach focus (it almost did but not quite). The 2X is a 2" Powermate and I had to use the 1.25" insert which adds about 8mm of depth. the Powermate also does not seat fully in my WO diagonal.

I also tested two planetary cameras (+/- 2" TV Powermate) which focused well within the full range of the draw tube extension maximum which is 142mm.  Use of the Click-Lock provides a very secure and flexible adaptation to the standard SW focuser adapter and most importantly allows easy rotation of diagonal and camera.  For me, this is a must have accessory for this scope. Its easy to use with gloves too!

Standard SW set up:


Click-Lock set up:


Addition of a 2.5X Powermate:


Planetary camera and 2x Powermate set up:


In addition I used the locking screw whilst observing the live star image of Alpheratz on screen through the Bhatinov mask.  There was absolutely no change in the focus position as I tightened/loosened the locking screw. This last set up I also tested at near vertical (Deneb) and there was no slip at all in the focuser control. Action was firm and smooth throughout the length of the draw tube.

For the original scope test go here: 


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Nice follow up info Chris.

I was a little dissapointed that the ED150 that I used had so little inwards focuser movement left when at focus with a 2 inch diagonal fitted.

Good to know that most things will still come to focus with the Baader click lock fitted.


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  • 11 months later...
On 13/09/2019 at 01:31, william123 said:


What is your current evaluation of the Evostar 150ED?  Do you really like it and recommend it for visual?  Is it a keeper, or is it just a keeper until a "better" apo comes along?

Thank you!


My view of it has only got rosier. It’s definitely a keeper. The views are exceptional. Just be aware of its bulk and that others have had collimation issues. Mine appears perfectly set up. I don’t see any difference in CA generally compared to my previous APO. (AA 102mm)

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54 minutes ago, Owmuchonomy said:

My view of it has only got rosier. It’s definitely a keeper. The views are exceptional. Just be aware of its bulk and that others have had collimation issues. Mine appears perfectly set up. I don’t see any difference in CA generally compared to my previous APO. (AA 102mm)

Thank you, Chris!


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