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Ed 80 not focusing hi

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Hi had an ed80 pro for year now and tonight my focus would not focus on star or moon the draw tube to focus was fully out and tried all the way in to no avail then I pulled mu eye piece out of the focuser about an inch and it started to make the stars getting sharp but it's. Never been like this before it's like the glass has slipped but it hasn't if you know what I mean this as done my head in hope someone can he me out thanks darren

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6 hours ago, Adidaz 29 said:

 Of course my diagonal was missing  thank you what a dick head iam

Never done this particular trick before, but I've done many that would be up there challenging it for the "dumbest thing ever" award. At least yours did not result in any damage to your gear.

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19 hours ago, Demonperformer said:

Never done this particular trick before, but I've done many that would be up there challenging it for the "dumbest thing ever" award. At least yours did not result in any damage to your gear.

Reminds me of a story on CN of a hybrid Televue eyepiece owner using the eyepiece in 2" mode, but was unable to come to a sharp image.  Turns out he had left the translucent 1.25" barrel cap on.  He was trying to focus through the plastic.

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3 hours ago, Louis D said:

Reminds me of a story on CN of a hybrid Televue eyepiece owner using the eyepiece in 2" mode, but was unable to come to a sharp image.  Turns out he had left the translucent 1.25" barrel cap on.  He was trying to focus through the plastic.

My favourite (I like it so much I have done it several times) is to leave the focussing mask on the front of the telescope during an imaging run.

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10 hours ago, Demonperformer said:

My favourite (I like it so much I have done it several times) is to leave the focussing mask on the front of the telescope during an imaging run.

Must make for some impressive looking star spikes.  That reminds me of an Astro-Physics APO owner who purposefully placed thread in a cross over the front of his scope while photographing the Pleiades to get classical spiky stars.  The result was gorgeous; I just can't find it now.

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Well at least you didn't end up with a perfect circle of black EP case foam wedged right in the centre of a black EP size reducer!!  Black foam in the centre of a black reducer tube on a black night takes some spotting!

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