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Help! Adapter seized on my Atik 383l+ (Solved)


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Wanted to swap the camera on my filter wheel but this time my Atik came off with the camera-to-wheel adapter stuck on it really hard. It's quite thin so it's hard to get a grip on. I've tried with a sheet of rubber around it and twisting with locking pliers to no avail. Not sure how I'm going to get it off. It's getting a bit scuffed by my attempts already. Any ideas? 

I'm kind of scared to do anything radical with the thing on the camera itself. Can I open those four bolts visible in the photo to get the black ccd chamber bit off or is that going to screw up something? 


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Pliers are not a good idea, if you distort it it will never come undone, try the sole of a trainer pressed hard down on it and twisting.

If you're not bothered about saving the fitting you could araldite a longer fitting into it.


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Squeezing the ring just distorts it and makes it grip tighter, try placing the camera face down on to a hard rubber sheet, something like a car floorwell mat or similar, press the camera firmly down onto the mat while twisting anti-clockwise, hopefully that may shift it, if that doesn’t work, wrap a couple of dozen turns of sellotape around a sheet of stiff card so that the sticky side is facing out and the card is covered over a large enough area to grip the ring , put the card on the rubber mat and repeat as before, pushing the camera face down on the card while turning anti-clockwise.


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5 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Pliers are not a good idea, if you distort it it will never come undone, try the sole of a trainer pressed hard down on it and twisting.



5 minutes ago, Oddsocks said:

Squeezing the ring just distorts it and makes it grip tighter, try placing the camera face down on to a hard rubber sheet, something like a car floorwell mat or similar, press the camera firmly down onto the mat while twisting anti-clockwise, hopefully that may shift it, if that doesn’t work, wrap a couple of dozen turns of sellotape around a sheet of stiff card so that the sticky side is facing out and the card is covered over a large enough area to grip the ring , put the card on the rubber mat and repeat as before, pushing the camera face down on the card while turning anti-clockwise.


That worked. Thank you so much!!!

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4 hours ago, Oddsocks said:

Squeezing the ring just distorts it and makes it grip tighter, try placing the camera face down on to a hard rubber sheet, something like a car floorwell mat or similar, press the camera firmly down onto the mat while twisting anti-clockwise, hopefully that may shift it, if that doesn’t work, wrap a couple of dozen turns of sellotape around a sheet of stiff card so that the sticky side is facing out and the card is covered over a large enough area to grip the ring , put the card on the rubber mat and repeat as before, pushing the camera face down on the card while turning anti-clockwise.


Ingenious ... will have to remember that one.

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Make the room uncomfortably warm when trying the other methods suggested, this will provide an additional slight advantage...and on occasion is all that's needed to free the threads.

Best of luck ?

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Rubber gloves can be helpful :) I wouldn't advise taking the front of the camera off except as a last result, Undoing it will a) let in moisture and b) let in dust. Both can be dealt with but dust on the sensor, especially, can be a pain. Plus having an unprotected sensor is a risk.


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18 minutes ago, Thalestris24 said:

Rubber gloves can be helpful :)

That's what I've been using until now. This time it seized properly. I got it sorted thanks to the previous tips on this thread. Essentially I put the rubber glove on the floor and stood on it to prevent it from moving. Then I pressed the camera down on it with the adapter in contact with the rubber and slowly rotated the camera anti-clockwise. Eventually the adapter came off neatly.

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