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Well a big thank you to Peter who sorted my scope out in half an hour it seems whoever had the scope before me had put the glass in the wrong way, Peter swapped it around a bit fiddly with the spacers but he managed it.

Did a star test on artificial star 400x mag and looked spot on no flaring or anything.

Cannot wait now get it out properly give it a good test.

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16 minutes ago, John said:

Great news ! :thumbright:

Not an easy thing to diagonise by correspondance I think !

As soon as Peter looked through the scope on a mount he knew straight away what it was both Peter and I were glad there was no need for shims and all that entails.

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Well had a chance take the scope out for an hour my mount was playing ball pressing the left hand key on the handset slightly and the star kept drifting and drifting up to 1.5 cm past really where it should have gone. No issues with other keys. Managed to align with Arcturus and Capella then went straight to Mars as it was up looked better no flaring but was miles out had drag it in this was the theme of the hour. 

I finally after trying a few doubles and NGC 457 where the mount was nowhere near and not having a finder only a Telrad could not get them in went to Capella, with my 25mm looked great no flaring or anything so I was hopeful it was only when I put the 5mm in things did not look so good Capella was all over the place flares in all directions dancing in the eyepiece.

I defocused and got concentric rings so crossed fingers it was the seeing and the scope not cooled down that is what I am really hoping.

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