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...I've gone and done it.  After some weeks of humming and hawing and great advice on the site, I have got the credit card out of retirement and bought a 1.25" Lacerta Herschel Wedge and Lacerta solar finder from 365Astronomy.  From FLO I picked up a Baader Solar Continuum filter that was going second hand.  At the weekend I am picking up an older, blue tube version, 120mm Evostar, at a price I couldn't resist.

My timing leaves a lot to be desired, the sun is at solar minimum and the summer has passed.?

I have used solar film in the past and I was never happy with the views.  When I looked into the merits of a Herschel Wedge I knew that was the way to go.

We know that the sun will now disappear for a couple of weeks, apologies to all.? I know you are all good people and will forgive me.?


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